Upcoming Discipline Hearings

Hearings are open to the public unless the Law Society hearing panel orders otherwise.
This schedule is subject to change. Contact the Law Society of Manitoba to confirm hearing dates and times.

Hearing Date(s): August 21, 2024

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Breach of Integrity
  • Conduct Unbecoming a Lawyer

Counsel for Member: Saul Simmonds, K.C.

Counsel for Law Society: Ayli Klein

Hearing Date(s): to be set

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Breach of Integrity
  • Charged and Accepted a Fee that was not Fair or Reasonable
  • Improperly Withdrew Representation
  • Breach of Trust Accounting Rules

Counsel for Member: Self Represented

Counsel for Law Society: Ayli Klein

Hearing Date(s): to be set

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Breach of Integrity
  • Failure to Respond Promptly and Completely to the Law Society

Counsel for Member: Self Represented

Counsel for Law Society: Ayli Klein

Hearing Date(s): to be set

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Failure to Respond Promptly and Completely to the Law Society [x3]

Counsel for Member: Self Represented

Counsel for Law Society: Ayli Klein

Hearing Date(s): November 25, 26, 27, 28 & 29, 2024

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Failure to treat Court with Candour, Fairness, Courtesy and Respect
  • Charged and Accepted a Fee that was not Fair and Reasonable and Disclosed in a Timely Fashion
  • Failure to be Courteous, Civil and Act in Good Faith [x2]
  • Quality of Service
  • Breach of Integrity
  • Conflict of Interest

Counsel for Member: J. Richard Wolson, K.C.

Counsel for Law Society: Rocky Kravetsky, David Skwark (December 7, 2020 Motion only) (withdrawn)

Previous Hearing Date(s):  April 20, 2023 (Motion), December 7, 2020 (Motion) (withdrawn)

Hearing Date(s): November 25, 26, 27, 28 & 29, 2024

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Quality of Service [x2]
  • Failure to be Courteous, Civil and Act in Good Faith

Counsel for Member: J. Richard Wolson, K.C.

Counsel for Law Society: Rocky Kravetsky

Previous Hearing Date(s):  April 20, 2023 (Motion)

Hearing Date(s): November 25, 26, 27, 28 & 29, 2024

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Breach of Integrity
  • Refusal and Failure to Recognize and Submit to the Authority of the Law Society of Manitoba

Counsel for Member: J. Richard Wolson, K.C.

Counsel for Law Society: Rocky Kravetsky

Previous Hearing Date(s):  April 20, 2023 (Motion)

Hearing Date(s): to be set

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Breach of Integrity

Counsel for Member: Kevin Toyne

Counsel for Law Society: Ayli Klein

Hearing Date(s): to be set

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Quality of Service [x4]
  • Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society [x2]

Counsel for Member: Saul Simmonds, K.C.

Counsel for Law Society: Ayli Klein

Hearing Date(s): to be set

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Quality of Service
  • Duty to Lawyers
  • Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society

Counsel for Member: Saul Simmonds, K.C.

Counsel for Law Society: Ayli Klein

Hearing Date(s): to be set

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Duty to Lawyers
  • Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society

Counsel for Member: Self Represented

Counsel for Law Society: Ayli Klein

Hearing Date(s): October 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 22, 28 & 29, 2024

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Failure to be Courteous, Civil and Act in Good Faith
  • Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society

Counsel for Member: Jean-Rene Dominique Kwilu

Counsel for Law Society: Rocky Kravetsky

Hearing Date(s): August 28, 2024 (Motion Hearing), October 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 22, 28 & 29, 2024

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Breach of Integrity [x2]
  • Failure to Treat Court with Candour, Courtesy and Respect [x4]
  • Failure to be Courteous, Civil and Act in Good Faith
  • Recording Conversations with Client and other Lawyers without Informing Participants of Intentions
  • Sending Correspondence that is Abusive, Offensive or Otherwise Inconsistent with a Proper Tone of a Professional Communication from a Lawyer

Counsel for Member: Jean-Rene Dominique Kwilu

Counsel for Law Society: Rocky Kravetsky

Hearing Date(s): October 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 22, 28 & 29, 2024

Nature of Charge(s):

  • Breach of Integrity

Counsel for Member: Jean-Rene Dominique Kwilu

Counsel for Law Society: Rocky Kravetsky

Hearing Attendance Inquiries

Contact the Law Society at least 24 hours prior to the hearing date so that accommodations for attendance can be arranged.

Lee-Ann Harrison

Hearings are held  by video conference or in person at The Law Society of Manitoba, 200 – 260 St. Mary Avenue unless otherwise indicated.