Manitoba Articling Program Review

The Law Society of Manitoba (in conjunction with the law societies of Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan and the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society) is seeking feedback on the types of training and mentoring articling students are receiving, issues related to discrimination or harassment and how prepared articling students feel to practice law in the 21st century.

This survey follows up on a similar review completed in 2019 with Alberta and Saskatchewan. Like the 2019 survey, there will be two distinct surveys—one targeting articling students and new lawyers, and the other tailored for principals, recruiters and mentors—we aim to identify parallel issues from their unique perspectives. Given the scope and impact of the information gathered in 2019, it is important to follow up and do a comparative analysis to understand how the articling system’s landscape has changed over the last five years, what progress has been made on key issues and what areas still need work.

The surveys are now closed.

The results of this engagement will provide insight into the provincial articling systems and help the law societies to make more informed decisions around our programs and resources, especially as they relate to articling, lawyer competence, and equity, diversity and inclusion.

The 2024 survey is also part of a broader cross-provincial collaboration among the five law societies. The findings will facilitate cross-provincial comparisons, offering valuable insights into how we can collectively enhance the articling experience across our jurisdictions.

Ultimately, we hope this will help us to enrich the articling experience and better prepare articling students for the practice of law in the future.

Background Information

In May 2019, the Law Society of Manitoba in collaboration with the Law Societies in Alberta and Saskatchewan conducted two surveys—one for principals and one for articling students and new lawyers—to better understand the state of the articling system across the three provinces. The goal of the surveys was to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the experiences and supports that articling students are receiving, issues related to discrimination or harassment and how prepared articling students and new lawyers are for entry level practice.

2019 Survey Results

In Manitoba, the survey was completed by 83 articling students and 48 principals, recruiters and mentors. The survey revealed several key findings regarding the articling experiences. To learn more download the final report by clicking the link below.