Since 2011, The Law Society has supported the West Broadway Youth Outreach organization (WBYO) in a program to promote literacy and raise funds for the great work they do in our community. Over the past ten plus years, Lawyers for Literacy has raised more than $100,000 with over 500 lawyers reading to the WBYO kids. There are many children who struggle every day to understand information written at even a basic level. Many kids do not have an adult at home who reads to them or encourages them to read by sharing with them the joy of reading. The Law Society is proud to sponsor this event and encourages lawyers to get involved by raising funds and/or donating their time to read with a child for an hour or more.
Join us In Person, Sign up to Volunteer
The Law Society of Manitoba is delighted to continue to support the West Broadway Youth Outreach (WBYO) and sponsor the 15th annual edition of Lawyers for Literacy. Executive Director Ken Opaleke and the rest of the WBYO team have done a fantastic job over the years continuing to deliver valuable community programming. Lawyers will once again have the opportunity to support WBYO and the work they do every day by raising funds and sharing the joy of reading! Sign up today to spend quality one-on-one time helping children read on March 15, 2025.
A portion of every dollar raised through the Lawyers for Literacy event will be applied directly to the West Broadway Youth Outreach newly established endowment fund, supporting the WYBO kids in their pursuit of higher education.
West Broadway Youth Outreach established this fund with the Winnipeg Foundation in 2020 to provide annual support to WBYO kids and WBYO volunteers who are pursuing post-secondary education. The first two scholarships were awarded last year.
Event Information
When: Saturday, March 15, 2025
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
~ Pizza Lunch Served ~
Where: Mulvey School, 750 Wolseley Avenue
- Read – Volunteers spend an hour or more helping children read
- Raise Funds – Ask Friends, Family & Colleagues to sponsor you.
All donations will go towards the West Broadway Youth Outreach new endowment fund, supporting the WYBO kids in their pursuit of higher education with annual scholarships awarded to qualifying recipients.
To sign up to volunteer for Lawyers For Literacy, contact Debbie Rossol at or by phone at 204-926-2048.
Meet Fatih Oladeji!
Faith is one of the first WYBO scholarship recipients awarded in 2020.
West Broadway Youth Outreach has always been a program that has encouraged me in my journey. I joined the program when I was 7 years of age and since then, I have had countless experiences and lessons that I will take with me everywhere I go, including the Read-athon. As a 19-year-old, I now realize that the Read-athon has allowed me to cultivate the habit of reading. This habit has helped vastly in my pursuit to bring my future goals and aspirations to fruition.
West Broadway Youth Outreach (WBYO)
WBYO is a recreational life skills program for children who live in the West Broadway area. Children range in age from 4 to 12, as well as junior volunteers, mentors and role models aged 13 to 17 years old. They provide 28 structured programs after school and evenings year-round. All activities are free.
During the pandemic, the WBYO has done an amazing job adapting their programs to offer them online. In some cases, they have even provided iPhones and plans to the kids who would otherwise be unable to participate. WBYO welcomes donations of books, children’s clothing, juice boxes for after school snacks, games, toys, and musical instruments … pretty much anything you can think of that would be of interest to a child. For more information visit
How Can I Help?
Start Collecting Pledges – Monetary donations can be made by cash, cheque or online donation. WBYO will provide a charitable receipt for donations of $25.00 or more.
Online donations can be made by visiting Canada Helps and selecting “Lawyers for Literacy ” as the “Fund Your Donation Will Support”.
WBYO welcomes all donations. Donated items can be dropped off at the Law Society anytime during regular business hours. Check out the WBYO’s Top 10 URGENT Need List for more information.