Civil Society Organizations

To make lawyer services more accessible, the Law Society has approved a registration system that enables lawyers to provide their professional services to the public as employees or independent contractors of or volunteers for charities and not-for-profit corporations. Under this initiative, registered charities and not-for-profit corporations can register with the Law Society to use volunteer lawyers or to employ or contract with lawyers to deliver legal services through their organizations directly to their clients. Lawyers so engaged by charities and not-for-profit corporations must provide legal services to clients of the organization at no cost to those clients.

  • Registered charities under the Income Tax Act (Canada)
  • Not-for-profit corporations (NFPC) incorporated under the laws of Manitoba, or a not-for-profit corporation permitted under the laws of Manitoba to operate in the Province.

The Law Society of Manitoba may investigate or verify any information supplied in this application, and may require further information from you before the Organization is registered as a Civil Society Organization. Omissions or inaccuracies in responses may delay processing.

If the space provided for any answer is insufficient, attach a separate sheet that is signed and dated by the applicant and staple it to the application.

Additional Documents
Submit additional relevant documents to comply with specific application requirements.

Approved CSOs are required to submit the following annual report to the Law Society confirming the registered charity or not-for-profit corporation’s contact information, the lawyers providing legal services and any changes to those legal services made available to their clients.

Registered CSOs

  • First Nations Family Advocate Office
  • Association des juristes d’expression française du Manitoba Inc.
  • Franco-Justice Inc.
  • Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council Inc.
  • Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre
  • Healthy Muslim Families
  • Legal Help Centre of Winnipeg Inc.