Announcing Indigenous Advisory Committee Members

For Immediate Release: The Law Society of Manitoba appoints members to new Indigenous Advisory Committee chaired by the Honourable Murray Sinclair to help guide ongoing work toward reconciliation. Last October, […]

The Law Library Hub Signs Off for the Summer

Please be advised that the Law Library Hub service is now on hiatus and will not be able to offer any assistance over the summer months. Services are expected to […]

Honouring National Indigenous Peoples Day

Today we recognize the incredible contributions of First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples and celebrate their diverse cultures, traditions and legal orders, from which all Canadians have benefitted immensely. The […]

Statement on Discovery at the Kamloops Residential School

The Law Society of Manitoba sends its condolences to members of the Tk’emlúps te Secwe’pemc First Nation and all Indigenous peoples on the horrific discovery of the bodies of 215 […]

Black Lives Matter: Canadian Perspectives, Education Event

Critical Conversations about Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias in Law and Canadian Society Original Program Date: December 10, 2020 Critical conversations about the Canadian context for the BLM movement, current […]

Funding Awarded for Access to Justice Coordinator

On Wednesday, November 4, 2020, the Manitoba Law Foundation announced the Law Society of Manitoba would be the recipient of a Special Granting Initiative, supporting the work of increasing access […]

Observing Orange Shirt Day –September 30

Join the Law Society of Manitoba on September 30, 2020 in observing Orange Shirt Day, a day to remember the children who were victims of the Canadian residential school system. […]

National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21, 2020

The Law Society joins all Manitobans to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day and the summer solstice. We recognize the rich and diverse cultures of First Nations, Métis and Inuit people, […]

Law Library Hub Pilot Program Launches Monday, February 10th

Starting Monday, February 10, free legal information and assistance will be offered two days a week. Monday afternoons 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Wednesday mornings 9:00 am-noon During these times, […]