Practice Management Advisor

The Law Society believes that effective management of a lawyer’s practice and office is essential to the success of a lawyer.  The Law Society’s Practice Management Advisor is available, at no charge, to provide advice and assistance in a broad range of practice management areas such as:

  • Starting a new practice
  • Opening a trust account
  • Office systems
  • Retiring from practice or winding down.

Additional practical written resources are available through the Law Society Education Centre. For guidance on the business of running a legal practice including,  Absences and Contingency Planning and File Closing and Retirement – Winding up a Practice visit the Practice Resource Library for these and other Practice Management resources.


Barney Christianson, K.C., Practice Management Advisor

  • 204-857-7851

Or regular mail:

Barney Christianson, K.C.
Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP
P.O. Box 940
2210 Saskatchewan Ave. W.
Portage la Prairie, MB
R1N 3C4