General Inquiries

If you have reviewed For the Public – Complaints and still have questions, please contact our Complaints Resolution Department at or call 204-942-5571.

If you are experiencing discrimination or harassment, Manitoba lawyers, support staff, articling students and clients of lawyers may obtain confidential assistance by contacting Noelia Bernardo, Equity Advisor at or call 204-926-2019.

To submit a lawyer Career Opportunities (employment/ volunteer ) for posting on the Law Society website, submit all requested information through our online form

If you require legal assistance, please contact the Law Phone-In & Lawyer Referral Program at 204-943-2305 . Or if you are looking for the contact information of a practising Manitoba lawyer or articling student, you can search our directory through Lawyer Lookup. You can find the full details for these services on For the Public -Finding a Lawyer.

If you are trying to locate a file of a deceased or former lawyer, please contact Dilyara Alivapova at or call 204-926-2041.

If you would like to request an interview or have questions about the Law Society, please contact Deirdre O’Reilly, Communications Officer at or call 204-926-2031.

If you are experiencing technical issues accessing the Law Society website or notice a broken link, error, or omission on a specific web page, please contact Simon Young, Director | Information Systems Development at or call 204-926-2051. We appreciate your assistance with ensuring that the content on our website is accurate, accessible, and up to date.

For Lawyers

If you have a question about practising in Manitoba and the application process to be admitted as a lawyer in the province, please contact Richard Porcher, Director | Admissions and Membership at or 204-926-2020.

If you require a Fast-Track photo or have any questions regarding your Application for Fast Track Photo ID , please contact Shari Lough at or call the Law Society’s switchboard at 204-942-5571.

If you have a specific question regarding your fees, personalized invoices or receipts contact Sandra Alleyne | Chief Financial Officer at or call 204-926-2054. For more general information including a complete list of annual and administrative fees, see For Lawyers – Fees.

Lawyers, articling students and their families who require the services offered through the Manitoba Blue Cross Employee Assistance Program can call the Manitoba Blue Cross Employee Assistance Centre 204-786-8880 or 1-800-590-5553. For more information regarding this free and confidential service see Support for Lawyers — Lawyers Health and Wellness.

If you have questions regarding the Professional Liability Claims Fund, contact a staff member from the Insurance Department.

Tana Christianson, 926-2011
Kate Craton, Claims 926-2012
William Barnstead, Claims (204) 926-2013

If you have read through the Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – Rules and Requirements and the Education Centre’s FAQ and still have questions, contact a member of our CPD team at

The Manitoba Law Library, also known as the Great Library, can be found on the 3rd floor of the Manitoba Law Courts building or online at

If you have a question regarding reporting a change in your location of practice, employment, contact information or membership status, please contact Darlene Douglas, Administrative Assistant | Admissions and Membership at or call 204-926-2026.

If you are unable to log in or require assistance using the Member Portal, please visit the portal for additional Contact Information / Technical Assistance, including instructions for how to reset your password if you have forgotten username or password.

If you have reviewed the information available through the Education Centre  and still have a question regarding these changes, please contact Tana Christianson, Director | Professional Liability Claims Fun at or 204 926 2011.

If you have a Practice Management question, contact Barney Christianson, Practice Management Advisor, for The Law Society of Manitoba at or call 204-857-7851.

If you have a question of an ethical nature, contact Noelia Bernardo, Practice, Ethics and Equity Advisor at or call 204-926-2019.

If you have a question regarding the Trust Safety program and how to become a trust account supervisor, please contact a member of our audit team at

Still unsure of who to contact?

Email or give us a call at 204-942-5571 or 1-855-942-5571 and we will direct you to the appropriate person or resource.

Mailing Address

200 – 260 St. Mary Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0M6 – MAP

Telephone: 204-942-5571
Toll-free: 1-855-942-5571
Facsimile: 204-956-0624