Internationally Trained Applicants

NEW Micro-Diploma Programs offered by the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law

New program offering for Internationally-Trained Lawyers provides a clear and flexible pathway for meeting NCA education requirements while also offering rich elective options and opportunities to develop practical skills and build valuable connections within the Manitoba legal community. Now accepting applications for the 2025-2026 cohort, learn more.

Practising Law in Manitoba

To practise law in Manitoba you must be a member of the Law Society of Manitoba. Below you will find a general overview of the process that is required to become a member of the Law Society of Manitoba, including time and cost estimates.

Note:  Timelines are estimates only, all fees are in Canadian dollars and are subject to change without notice.  The fees do not include other costs such as translation, travel or other personal expenses.

Time Frame Approx. 2.5 years
Eligible to work as lawyerFollowing step 3
Minimum Cost

Internationally trained applicants must obtain a Certificate of Qualification from the National Committee on Accreditation that verifies that their academic training is equivalent to Canadian academic training.  The NCA assessment takes into account your academic credentials and your professional experience.

The NCA will assess your academic qualifications and will either provide you with a Certificate of Qualification or will advise you that you need to take further education and/or examinations to obtain your Certificate of Qualification.

Required steps:

a) Submit Application for Assessment of Legal Credentials

b) Submit required documentation

c) Remit assessment fee ($450.00)

The assessment process will be completed in approximately 6 – 8 weeks after all documentation is received by the NCA office.

If the NCA issues you a Certificate of Qualification, there is no further cost at this stage.

If you are required to take further education or examinations, , you can proceed one of two ways:

Option A – Self Study & NCA Exams
The additional cost are typically $2000-$3000. However they may be much higher depending on if you demonstrate competence by taking courses in a Canadian Law school or if you demonstrate competence through the NCA’s examinations.

NEW Option B – Enroll at the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law, Study with Peers & Professionals
Complete the UM Micro-diploma in Canadian Public Law or its counterpart Micro-diploma in Canadian Private Law to meet the NCA’s required competencies. These programs include hands-on clinical learning opportunities, as well as mentorship and career services support to assist with securing articling positions and building your legal career. Learn More

Time Frame Task Cost
6 – 8 weeks NCA assessment $450.00
 Approx. 2 years Option A – Additional NCA examinations, Self Study and/or education Typically $2,000-$3000 but may be much more
1-2 years Option B – Undertake Micro-diploma in Public or Private Law at the University of Manitoba Contact for more information

Once you have obtained your Certificate of Qualification, the next step is to complete 52 weeks of articling with a Manitoba lawyer and to successfully complete the Practice Readiness Education Program.

            (a)       Articling

To be admitted as an articling student, you will need to be a person of good character and fit to practise law, you must have a Certificate of Qualification and you will need to find a Manitoba lawyer who can act as your principal (supervisor) for a period of 52 weeks.

Required steps:

a) Submit an Application for Admission as an Articling Student

b) Attach required documentation

  1. A notarized copy of photo identification, such as a driver’s license or passport, which sets out your full name.
  2. Original transcripts showing all degrees granted and final grades received from all post-secondary institutions attended. The transcripts must be received by the Law Society directly from the educational institution or made available from the National Committee of Accreditation.
  3. Certificate of Qualification from the National Committee on Accreditation
  4. A national finger-print based Criminal Record Check. This is to be sent directly to the Law Society from the RCMP Real Time Identification Service. To have your record check sent directly to the Law Society, you must submit a third party letter of authorization. Refer to the CCRTIS website  for information regarding electronic fingerprinting services.
  5. For applicants who have practised law in any other jurisdiction, a Certificate of Standing provided directly to the Law Society from each jurisdiction where you have practised law.
  6. A Certificate of Character
  7. An Articling Agreement *
  8. An Education Plan *
  9. The non-refundable application fee ($105.00)  see accepted payment methods

*You may submit your application prior to accepting an articling position. However, you will not be eligible for admission until you have provided the  Articling Agreement and Education Plan to the Law Society.

Please send your application, along with the required documentation to:
The Law Society of Manitoba
Attention: Admissions and Membership
200 – 260 St. Mary Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3C 0M6
Inquiries and electronic documentation can be directed to:

A Manitoba lawyer must submit an application to the Law Society to be approved to act as a principal.

The Law Society will assess your qualifications to be admitted as an articling student.  If you are admitted as an articling student, you will receive written approval from the Director of Admissions and confirmation of your articling start date.

Time Frame Task Cost
Up to 6 months Obtain criminal records check $63.00
3 weeks Admissions assessment $105.00

(b)       PREP

To be admitted to the PREP program, you must register with the Canadian Centre for Professional Legal Education.

Required steps:

(a)        Submit registration form

(b)        Attach required documentation

(c)        Remit tuition fee $3,500.00**

Time Frame Task Cost
TBD Registration/Tuition $3,500.00
**Foundation Modules $1,525.00
**Balance of PREP $1,975.00

Completing Articling and PREP

To successfully complete articling you must:

(a)        submit an education plan (completed by you and your principal) within two weeks of starting your articles

(b)        complete 52 weeks of full-time articles

(c)        complete the mid-term review of education plan

(d)        submit a Certificate of Completion of Articles (prepared by your principal)

(e)        submit a Final Assessment of Education Plan (prepared by you)

To successfully complete PREP you must:

(a)        successfully complete the required modules and evaluations

(b)        successfully complete the capstone assessment

Time Frame Task Cost
52 weeks Article under supervision Not Applicable
10 months Complete PREP program Not Applicable

Exemptions from Articling 

You may apply for an exemption from the 52 week articling requirement based upon your practising experience and your NCA assessment. However, it is the Law Society’s policy to require applicants to article for a minimum of six months. This policy recognizes that there are significant differences between the practice of law in Manitoba and foreign jurisdictions and that a significant period of articles is required for an articling student to obtain the necessary practising experience in Manitoba.

Required steps:

(a)        submit application to be admitted as an articling student

(b)        attach required documentation (see complete list provided in Step 2) (a) Articling)

(c)        submit application for exemption from Articling and attached required documentation:

  1.  summary of practice experience
  2. At least two letters from lawyers supporting request for exemption
  3. application fee ($367.50)

Once you have successfully completed articling and PREP, you will be eligible to be called to the bar and admitted as a solicitor in Manitoba if you remain a person of good character and are fit and proper to practise law.

Required steps:

(a)        submit application and petition for call and admission

(b)        remit call to the bar fee ($630.00)

(c)        submit application to commence active practice

(d)        certificate of completion of articles (if applicable)

(e)        submit final assessment of education plan

Time Frame Task Cost
4 weeks Call assessment $630.00