As of April 26, 2024, the final version of the Western Canada Competency Profile (WCCP) was officially approved by all four Western provinces (the Law Societies of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan). The WCCP provides a framework of competencies for entry to legal practice and establishes common benchmarks for performance across the Western Canadian provinces.
Last year, we invited the profession to provide feedback on the initial draft of the profile. Thank you to all who took the time to participate. Your feedback was invaluable. As work around lawyer competency progresses, there will be further opportunities for engagement with the profession.
Finalizing the WCCP is the first step in a larger initiative that will take time to fully implement. Nothing is changing overnight. This foundational document will inform the next steps, including developing additional guidance and resources for implementing the WCCP over the next few years.
We will continue to provide updates on the implementation of the profile and requirements for the profession.