Discipline Decisions

Access a lawyer’s discipline history by searching their name, date, or type of discipline decision. Starting in 2014 full Discipline Committee Reasons for Decisions were published in addition to Discipline Case Digests.

DateNameCase No.DecisionDescription
2025-02-03Bharath, Rishi Ganesh 31355361022025-01 DecisionBreach of Integrity [x2] / Charged and Accepted a Fee that was not Fair or Reasonable / Improperly Withdrew Representation / Failure to Respond Promptly and Completely to the Law Society
2024-12-10Vyamucharo-Shawa, Paul Sydney 13454334432024-07MotionRecusal of Chair of Panel / Termination of Proceeding
2024-11-01Stienstra, Michael James 27156205982024-09Conduct & Consequences Duty to Lawyers / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society
2024-09-17Aquila, Paolo Giuseppe Antonio 15331095042024-08Conduct & Consequences Sexual Harassment
2024-09-05Vyamucharo-Shawa, Paul Sydney 13454334432024-07MotionSubpoena Request Motion
2024-07-09Davis, David H. 11365178522024-06Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity
2024-06-25Khandelwal, Subhash Chand (Sam) 32114537252024-05 Consequences (Restrictions) Variation of Restrictions on Practice
2024-05-07Matas, David 14538973492024-04Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Undertaking to the Law Society
2024-04-25Batish, Manu 21610605612024-03Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity [x2] / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules [x3]
2024-04-10Chornopyski, Daniel William 34041760642024-02 Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond Promptly and Completely to the Law Society [x2]
2024-03-11Clemens, Lauren Nicole 691454422024-01Conduct & Consequences Conduct Unbecoming a Lawyer
2024-02-14Black-Branch, Jonathan Lee (Dr. Jonathan) 23265791152023-13Consequences Breach of Integrity
2023-12-21Badohal, Chaman Deep 8359567292023-14Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Undertaking to the Law Society / Breach of Integrity / Quality of Service / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules / Failure to Preserve Client Property / Competence / Failure to Respond Promptly and Completely to the Law Society
2023-12-15Black-Branch, Jonathan Lee (Dr. Jonathan) 23265791152023-13 Conduct Breach of Integrity
2023-12-11Fawcett, Ryan William 26947611272023-02 Conduct & ConsequencesConduct Unbecoming a Lawyer / Breach of Integrity / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society
2023-09-15Cameron, Jay 18284475632023-10 Conduct & Consequences Professional Misconduct (Breach of Integrity)
2023-09-15Carpay, John 18284475632023-11Conduct & Consequences Conduct Unbecoming a Lawyer (Breach of Integrity)
2023-07-28Harwood-Jones, Troy Patrick 15459298292023-09Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to treat Court with Courtesy and Respect
2023-06-30Turner, Thomas William 42886982292023-08Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules
2023-05-17Cramer, Caroline B. (Caroline B.) 5174387592023-07MotionMotion to Dismiss Proceedings on the Basis of Loss of Jurisdiction
2023-03-31Wasylin, Michael Mark 15657257982023-06Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity / Quality of Service
2023-03-24Richert, Dean Courtney George 2064267572023-05Conduct & Consequences Breach of Integrity / Quality of Service / Failure to Respond Promptly and Completely to the Law Society
2023-03-20Strell, Ellery Gerard 36970845892023-04Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society / Charged and Collected a Fee that was not Earned and not Fair and Reasonable / Charged and Accepted Fees and Disbursements that were not Fair, Reasonable and Disclosed in a Timely Fashion
2023-02-10Member AD 41080502092023-03Conduct (Acquittal)Hindering a Police Investigation by Concealment, Destruction or Alteration of Incriminating Physical Evidence
2023-02-07Fawcett, Ryan William 26947611272023-02MotionMotion to Dismiss Proceedings on the Grounds of Abuse of Process and Delay
2023-01-25Rabb, Jeffrey Mark (Jeff) 9399304192023-01Conduct & Consequences Conduct Unbecoming a Lawyer
2023-01-13Prober, James Charles (Jay) 29904534292022-12Conduct & Consequences Failure to be Courteous and Civil
2022-12-14Warren, Tyler David 12768309122022-11Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society /Failure to Obtain and Record Client Identification
2022-10-19Fiorino, Joseph George 26743618452022-03Motion – Post DecisionMotion to Revise Reasons
2022-10-04Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 6120668512019-06AppealCompetence - Conduct / Consequences
2022-10-04Goldberg, Jason Ashley 6784156532022-10 Conduct & Consequences Acting without and against Instructions / Quality of Service / Failure to be Courteous, Civil and Act in Good Faith / Breach of Privilege and Confidentiality / Conflict of Interest
2022-09-06Greenberg, Harley Jerome 29929367312022-09Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service
2022-08-09Burwash, Karen Ann 16106065152022-08Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society
2022-06-24Murray, William Ronald (Bill) 32731034672022-07Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity and Improper use of Trust Account / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules
2022-06-02Stern, Gabriel Samuel (Gary) 11930296482022-06Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service
2022-05-26Currie, Orvel Larry 30636939582022-05Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity / Duty to Court
2022-05-05Fawcett, Ryan William 26947611272022-04Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Undertaking to the Law Society / Conduct Unbecoming a Lawyer (Dishonourable, Disgraceful and Reprehensible – Sexual Harassment)
2022-04-19Fiorino, Joseph George 26743618452022-03Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond Promptly and Completely to the Law Society / Failure to be Courteous, Civil and Act in Good Faith / Failure to Avoid Sharp Practice
2022-03-30Restall, Jr., John Hunter 2921328262022-02Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity / Conflict of Interest
2022-02-11Carroll, Margaret Catherine 36203651332022-01Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Deposit Trust Money into Pooled Trust Account / Breach of Integrity / Failure to Respond to the Law Society
2021-12-31Khandelwal, Subhash Chand (Sam) 32114537252021-11Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity / Conflict of Interest / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society
2021-12-20Bauman, Gregory Lloyd 13407115302021-10Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity / Conflict of Interest / Quality of Service
2021-12-14Member AC 41080502092021-09Conduct (Acquittal) Quality of Service / Offensive Communication
2021-12-10Hogue, Joseph Jules Alain (J.J. Alain) 13030741122021-08Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Provide and Ensure Adequate Supervision of Support Staff
2021-11-05Tan, Wan Yen 10193282092021-07Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity / Quality of Service
2021-10-27Webb, Karen Lee 38747884542021-05Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service
2021-10-14Langford, Brian Attwood (Woody) 28567316592019-07AppealIntegrity – Income Tax Evasion, Respect for Administration of Justice
2021-09-29Purvis, Darcy Frederick 15569811622021-04Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Trust Accounting Rules
2021-09-28Member AB 41080502092021-06PardonPardon Application
2021-09-07Badohal, Chaman Deep 8359567292021-03Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity (conduct unbecoming a lawyer) / Breach of Integrity (professional misconduct)
2021-08-12Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 35812726602017-11AppealHonesty & Candour / Courtesy & Respect / Courtesy & Good Faith / Offensive Communication
2021-07-23Gembey, Bonnie Lynne 5252981392021-02Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity (including Misappropriation and Misleading Clients, CIC & Complaints Resolution Counsel) / Failure to File Annual Member Report / Failure to Respond to the Law Society (Audit and Complaints) / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society / Breach of Trust and General Accounting Rules / Quality of Service
2021-06-09Badmus, Omolara Oludayo (Lara) 21549275332021-01Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity
2021-03-19Lee, Robert Craig 3580159402020-08Conduct & ConsequencesConflict of Interest / Quality of Service / Failure to Respond to the Law Society
2021-02-24Langford, Brian Attwood (Woody) 28567316592019-07ConsequencesIntegrity – Income Tax Evasion, Respect for Administration of Justice
2021-02-19Alcock, Richard Maurice 19948022472020-07Conduct & Consequences Quality of Service
2021-01-12Champagne, Gisele Rita 41265518642020-06Conduct & Consequences Breach of Integrity / Charged and Accepted Fees and Disbursements that were not Fair, Reasonable and Disclosed in a Timely Fashion / Failure to Deposit Trust Money into Pooled Trust Account
2020-12-22Wang, Junling 16037093112020-05Conduct & Consequences Failure to Respond to the Law Society / Breach of Integrity / Failure to Preserve Client Property / Entered Into and Implemented a Scheme for Sharing Legal Fees with a Person who is not a Lawyer / Failure to Provide Direct and Adequate Supervision to Staff / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules / Failure to Maintain General Accounting Records / Received Cash from Clients but did not Maintain a Book of Duplicate Receipts / Incompetence / Conflict of Interest / Breach of Trust Condition / Duty to Lawyers – Failure to Respond to Communications / Quality of Service
2020-11-30Mayer, Douglas Albert 30240981742020-04ConsequencesFailure to Respond to the Law Society / Quality of Service / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society / Breach of the Duty of Civility
2020-10-22Mayer, Douglas Albert 30240981742020-03Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service / Failure to Notify Insurer
2020-10-21Mayer, Douglas Albert 30240981742020-04ConductFailure to Respond to the Law Society / Quality of Service / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society / Breach of the Duty of Civility
2020-09-25Degner, Adeline Lorraine 15052767272020-01Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond to the Law Society
2020-09-16Hesse, Paul Richard 9264964612020-02Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Integrity (including Misappropriation) / Conflict of Interest / Quality of Service / Borrowing from Client /Guaranteeing Debt of a Client / Failure to Respond to the Law Society / Failure to Appear before the Complaints Investigation Committee
2020-06-23Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 6120668512019-06ConsequencesCompetence
2020-06-09Langford, Brian Attwood (Woody) 28567316592019-07ConductIntegrity – Income Tax Evasion, Respect for Administration of Justice
2020-05-27Khandelwal, Subhash Chand (Sam) 32114537252019-08Conduct & ConsequencesConflict of Interest, Doing Business with Client, Quality of Service, Breach of Trust Condition, Breach of Practice Restriction
2020-04-16Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 35812726602017-11ConsequencesHonesty & Candour, Courtesy & Respect, Courtesy & Good Faith, Offensive Communication
2020-02-07Walker, David Wolfe 35578746862019-09Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond, Duty to Court, Quality of Service, Breach of trust condition, Breach of undertaking
2020-01-14Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 6120668512019-06ConductCompetence
2019-12-13Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 35812726602017-11ConductHonesty & Candour, Courtesy & Respect, Courtesy & Good Faith, Offensive Communication
2019-11-19Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 6120668512019-06MotionMotions regarding Adjournment, Sufficiency of Charge & Breach of Privacy
2019-10-28Degner, Adeline Lorraine 15052767272019-05Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service / Duty to Lawyers
2019-10-24Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 6120668512019-06MotionReconsider Motion to disqualify counsel, Fresh Evidence
2019-09-25Keesic, Steven Mark 24367415372019-03Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Duty of Integrity / Misappropriation / Misleading Clients / Breach of Undertaking
2019-09-25Richert, Jonathan Andrew 34231102032019-04Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond to the Law Society / Failure to Comply with a Condition of an Order
2019-09-24Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 6120668512019-06MotionRequest to Issue Subpoena
2019-09-24Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 6120668512019-06MotionReconsider Motion to Disqualify Counsel
2019-09-11Overwater, Shelley Loreen 1511310482019-02ReinstatementReinstatement Application
2019-06-19Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 6120668512019-06MotionMotion to disqualify counsel
2019-05-09Member AA 41080502092019-01PardonPardon Application
2019-03-14Richert, Jonathan Andrew 34231102032018-05Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond to the Law Society
2019-03-01Vyamucharo-Shawa, Paul Sydney 13454334432018-06Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Trust Condition, Misleading
2019-02-27Khandelwal, Subhash Chand (Sam) 32114537252019-08MotionMotion to allow for assistance from suspended lawyer
2018-12-10Adachi, Midori 20409862302018-07Conduct & ConsequencesConflict of Interest / Failing to Act with Integrity /Assisting or Encouraging Dishonesty
2018-11-28Young, James Graeme Earle (J. Graeme E.) 24288540832016-10AppealMisappropriation / Misleading / Breach of Trust Condition /Breach of Undertaking
2018-11-24Sullivan, Neil William 7321589602017-10ConsequencesIntegrity / Quality of Service
2018-11-05Champagne, Gisele Rita 41265518642018-04 Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service
2018-10-10Law, Michael John 25186508582018-03Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Trust and General Accounting Rules
2018-09-06Richert, Jonathan Andrew 34231102032018-02Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond to the Law Society
2018-06-20Bueti, Vincent Joseph 32139648302018-01Conduct & ConsequencesConflict of Interest / Duty to Lawyers
2018-03-26Sullivan, Neil William 7321589602017-10ConductIntegrity / Quality of Service
2018-03-13Persad, Anand Varuun 304899322017-09Conduct & Consequences Integrity / Quality of Service / Duty to Lawyers / Conflict of Interest / Duty to Law Society / Duty on Discharge / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules / Duty to Court / Breach of Trust Condition
2018-03-08Alghoul, Louay Rustom 19904041522015-18AppealDuty to Tribunal
2018-02-21Orlikow, Daniel Paul 31307600122017-08Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service
2017-11-24Petryshyn, John Slawko 537789392017-07Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond to the Law Society / Misappropriation / Misleading Clients / Failure to Supervise Staff / Breach of Trust Condition / Quality of Service / Offensive Communication / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules / Incompetence
2017-11-24Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 35812726602017-11MotionMotion for Summary Dismissal
2017-10-04Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 18296434422017-06Conduct & ConsequencesDuty to Lawyers / Breach of Trust Condition
2017-09-26Gembey, Bonnie Lynne 5252981392017-05Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond to the Law Society
2017-09-07Young, James Graeme Earle (J. Graeme E.) 24288540832016-10Conduct & ConsequencesMisappropriation / Misleading / Breach of Trust Condition /Breach of Undertaking
2017-07-14Degner, Adeline Lorraine 15052767272017-03Conduct & ConsequencesDuty to Lawyers / Quality of Service
2017-06-30Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 18296434422016-09Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Undertaking / Breach of Accounting Rules
2017-05-26Soper, John David Laurence (J. David) 30269895172017-04Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Accounting Rules / Duty on Changing Firms /Client Identification Rules
2017-05-19Young, James Graeme Earle (J. Graeme E.) 24288540832016-10ConductMisappropriation / Misleading / Breach of Trust Condition /Breach of Undertaking
2017-05-04Rosenbaum, Harry Joseph 41409399972017-02Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Confidentiality
2017-04-17Alghoul, Louay Rustom 19904041522015-18ConsequencesDuty to Tribunal
2017-04-03Beyette, Jason Patrick 7629074812017-01Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service / Conflict of Interest /Duty to Court and Lawyers
2017-03-17Young, James Graeme Earle (J. Graeme E.) 24288540832016-10MotionMisappropriation / Misleading / Breach of Trust Condition /Breach of Undertaking
2017-02-17Baker, Allan Phillip 11700123762016-08Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service
2017-02-02Stern, Gabriel Samuel (Gary) 11930296482016-07Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service / Unreasonable Fees and Disbursements /Manner of Withdrawal / Failure to Notify Client of Change of Firm
2016-12-22Alghoul, Louay Rustom 19904041522015-18ConductDuty to Tribunal
2016-12-08Cherrett, Lawrence Bremner 39384613902014-09AppealIntegrity and Misappropriation
2016-12-05Gembey, Bonnie Lynne 5252981392016-06Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond to the Law Society / Failure to Serve
2016-11-02MacDonald, Kevin Allan 13005181562016-05Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Trust Condition / Duty to Lawyers / Quality of Service / Failure to Notify Insurer
2016-09-07Stienstra, Michael James 27156205982016-03Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service / Duty to Lawyers
2016-09-06Gembey, Bonnie Lynne 5252981392016-04Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond to the Law Society
2016-08-26Wagner, Cameron Peter 6831627732016-02Conduct & ConsequencesIntegrity / Duty to Lawyers / Quality of Service
2016-08-19Ferriss, Kelly Rhodel Dunn (K. Rhodel) 38894701662016-01Conduct & Consequences Conflict of Interest
2016-03-21Capozzi, Michele (Michael) 19394593192015-17Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Trust Accounting Rules
2016-02-19Bradley, David Michael 24204206722015-16Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Act with Integrity (Misappropriation and Misleading) /Conflict of Interest / Failure to Serve
2016-02-16Okimaw, Moses 33868531082015-15Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service
2016-02-05Turner, Jamie Lee 31946058202015-14 Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service / Duty to other Counsel
2016-01-27Soper, John David Laurence (J. David) 30269895172015-13Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service / Breach of Duty to Tribunal /Failure to Respond to the Society
2016-01-22Clarke, Alastair Winston 36716201972015-12Conduct & ConsequencesMisleading the Society /Breach of Trust Accounting Rules
2016-01-12Member Z 41080502092015-10MotionPardon Application
2016-01-12Persad, Anand Varuun 304899322015-11Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond to the Law Society
2015-12-27Wang, Junling 16037093112015-09Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Undertaking to the Society / Failure to Respond to the Society
2015-11-10Wang, Junling 16037093112015-08Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond to the Law Society
2015-10-06Cherrett, Lawrence Bremner 39384613902014-09ConsequencesIntegrity and Misappropriation
2015-09-23Young, James Graeme Earle (J. Graeme E.) 24288540832015-05Conduct & ConsequencesIntegrity / Quality Of Service / Duty To Lawyers / Duty To Court
2015-09-17Cramer, Caroline B. (Caroline B.) 5174387592015-07Conduct & ConsequencesConflict of Interest / Quality of Service
2015-08-07Thrush, Avaline Janine 3418420392015-04Conduct & ConsequencesIntegrity / Quality Of Service / Conflict Of Interest /Duty To Lawyers
2015-07-20Jachetta, Peter Ottavio 32979675492015-03Conduct & ConsequencesIntegrity / Misappropriation
2015-06-29Gorlick, Barry Lee 23485755422015-06Conduct & ConsequencesQuality Of Service / Duty To Lawyers (Conduct) / Integrity (Misappropriation) / Conflict Of Interest
2015-06-18Mayer, Douglas Albert 30240981742015-02Conduct & ConsequencesQuality of Service / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules
2015-04-14Soper, John David Laurence (J. David) 30269895172015-01Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Respond
2015-03-26Overwater, Shelley Loreen 1511310482014-07Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Trust Account Rules / Breach of Undertaking / Breach of Trust Condition / Integrity
2015-02-26Cherrett, Lawrence Bremner 39384613902014-09ConductIntegrity and Misappropriation
2015-01-29Bradley, David Michael 24204206722014-06Conduct & ConsequencesIntegrity / Quality of Service / Duty to Lawyers
2014-11-12Johnson, Frank Albert Gustav 35673878982014-04Conduct & ConsequencesBreach of Trust Accounting Rules / Integrity
2014-11-11Clay, Grant Randolph 4138593472014-05Conduct & ConsequencesCase Digest - Quality of Service / Duty to Court
2014-10-06Petryshyn, John Slawko 537789392014-03Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Comply with Trust Condition/Duty to Lawyers
2014-08-20Doolan, Robert Frank 19422190972014-08ConductMisappropriation / Misleading the Law Society
2014-08-20Doolan, Robert Frank 19422190972014-08ConsequencesMisappropriation / Misleading the Law Society
2014-08-20Doolan, Robert Frank 19422190972014-08Conduct & ConsequencesMisappropriation / Misleading the Law Society
2014-05-21Crane, Lawrence Ramsay 26741955672014-02Conduct & ConsequencesFailure to Disclose Fees
2014-04-02Sharma, Rajan 25611364412014-01Conduct & ConsequencesIntegrity
2014-01-07Katelnikoff, Gordon Walter 25048678212013-11NABreach of Accounting Rules
2013-12-11Salmon, Jeff Andrew 36080763372013-10NAMisappropriation / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules
2013-12-03Soper, John David Laurence (J. David) 30269895172013-09NAFailure to Respond
2013-11-06Gregoire, Joseph Jean Marcel Romuald (Marcel) 36723775732013-07NAFees / Responsibility to Lawyers and Others / Integrity
2013-10-22Member Y 41080502092013-08NAFailure to Respond
2013-09-25Boyechko, Dave Robert Thomas 10606628702013-04NAIntegrity / Conflict of Interest / Avoiding Questionable Conduct
2013-09-09Young, Kenneth Bryan 10503242502013-06NAIntegrity
2013-07-18Masiowski, Thomas Adam (T. Adam) 42646894992013-03NABreach of Accounting Rules / Failure to Meet Financial Obligations
2013-06-20Krawchuk, Barry Eugene 25405485352013-02NAExcessive Fees
2013-06-05Wawrykow, Dennis George 9725155872013-05NAIntegrity / Conflicting Interests
2013-05-24Nadeau, James Ronald (J. Ronald) 27280309892013-01NAMisappropriation / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules / Breach Conditions of Practice / Failure to Respond / Ungovernability
2012-12-13Burch, Carl Franklin 37411718132012-10NAIntegrity / Conflict of Interest
2012-10-11Greenberg, Harley Jerome 29929367312012-09NAFailure to Respond
2012-09-26Member X 41080502092012-08NAPardon Application
2012-09-10Anhang, Abraham 12873283652012-11NAReinstatement Application
2012-07-17Luk, Eva Yee-Wah 28388182102012-07NAProfessional Misconduct
2012-07-12Mayer, Douglas Albert 30240981742012-05NAFailure to Respond
2012-07-04Walia, Ranjit Singh 3444327302012-04NAConflict of Interest
2012-06-19Member W 41080502092012-02NAPardon Application
2012-06-19Member V 41080502092012-03NAPardon Application
2012-06-11Gregoire, Joseph Jean Marcel Romuald (Marcel) 36723775732012-01NABreach of Integrity / Quality of Service / Failure to Respond
2012-04-03Champagne, Gisele Rita 41265518642012-06NAQuality of Service
2012-02-21Tennenhouse, Howard Lorne 12935375692011-09NABreach of Integrity / Misappropriation / Unauthorized Practice of Law
2012-02-16Niederhoffer, Jeffrey Joseph 30553982772011-11NABreach of Integrity / Unauthorized Practice of Law
2012-02-14Bargen, Victor Erich 19216168582011-08NABreach of Trust Condition / Integrity / Quality of Service
2012-01-17Fisher, Robert Lewis 32557229002011-10NAMisappropriation / Breach of Integrity / Failure to Serve Client / Failure to Respond
2012-01-11Thrush, Avaline Janine 3418420392011-07NABreach of Trust Condition
2011-11-25Gorlick, Barry Lee 23485755422011-06NAFailure to Serve Client
2011-10-27Kress, Brian Rickey 11945370522011-05NAConflicting Interests
2011-10-05Katelnikoff, Gordon Walter 25048678212011-04NAFailure to Respond
2011-09-28Mayer, Douglas Albert 30240981742011-01NAQuality of Service
2011-06-09Madick, Michele Lynn 37696886052011-03NABreach of Integrity / Excessive Fees
2011-05-26Beley, Terry Peter 16681912832011-02NAQuality of Service
2011-03-30Smith, James Richard 5523600022010-15NABreach of Integrity and Failure to Serve
2011-03-28King, Jack Anthony Stewart 33827710032010-13NASexual Harassment
2011-03-24Gregoire, Joseph Jean Marcel Romuald (Marcel) 36723775732010-12NAConflict of Interest
2011-03-11Nadeau, James Ronald (J. Ronald) 27280309892010-11NABreach of Integrity / Failure to Respond / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules / Failure to Treat Tribunal with Courtesy and Respect / Quality of Service
2011-03-09Guttman, David Allan 4815069632010-14NABreach of Integrity / Failure to Treat Tribunal with Courtesy and Respect
2010-12-17Luk, Eva Yee-Wah 28388182102010-09NAProfessional Misconduct
2010-11-23Lasko, Paul Frederick 18556654622010-10NABreach of Accounting Rules
2010-10-25Gutkin, Ralph Lawrence 8034109772010-16NAReinstatement Application
2010-10-07Dolovich, Gary Philip 26612348022010-08NAConduct Unbecoming
2010-07-13Member U 41080502092010-07NAPardon Application
2010-06-16Cvitkovitch, Frank Louis 16957498952010-06NABreach of Integrity and Excessive Fees
2010-06-07Tennenhouse, Howard Lorne 12935375692010-04NABreach of Accounting Rules / Breach of Integrity
2010-03-15Mackinnon, Donald Joel 18012343782010-05NABreach of Integrity and Failure to Serve
2010-03-05Kohaykewych, Michael Daniel 26337248702010-02NABreach of Integrity and Conflict of Interest
2010-03-04Member T 41080502092009-15NAPardon Application
2010-03-04Member S 41080502092009-16NAPardon Application
2010-02-23Walia, Ranjit Singh 5718404752010-03NABreach of Integrity and Conflict of Interest
2010-02-10Wiens, Harry John 14151039502010-01NASexual Harassment of Staff
2010-01-07Holmes, Richard Allen Paul 36211282912009-14NAFailure to Serve / Breach of Duties Owed to Clients
2009-09-14Troniak, Dennis Michael 15293609942009-13NAFailure to Serve / Breach of Integrity
2009-08-17Brodsky, Gerald Gregory (G. Greg) 23181101042009-09NABreach of Integrity / Breach of Accounting Rules
2009-08-06Capozzi, Michele (Michael) 19394593192009-12NABreach of Accounting Rules
2009-07-23Guttman, David Allan 4815069632009-11NABreach of Integrity
2009-06-05Poole, Richard Grant 4622530462009-08NAFailure to Respond to the Law Society
2009-05-25Greenberg, Harley Jerome 29929367312009-07NAConflict of Interest / Breach of Integrity
2009-03-04Davis, David H. 11365178522009-03NAConflict of Interest/Breach of Integrity
2009-01-14Ritchot, Sherry Denise 20855134142009-02NA (Sentencing)Breach of Integrity / Failing to Treat Court with Courtesy and Respect
2008-12-19Chen, Ingrid Yin-Yu 21135023262008-02NABreach of Integrity
2008-12-18Taylor, Timothy Neil 36485626112009-06NABreach of Integrity
2008-12-11Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 18296434422008-09NAFailing to Serve Clients
2008-11-04Member R 41080502092008-08NA (AMENDED)Failure to Comply with Trust Condition / Misleading Another Lawyer
2008-10-20Fisher, Robert Lewis 32557229002009-05NAFailure to Serve Client / Failure to Be Honest and Candid with Client
2008-10-16Ritchot, Sherry Denise 20855134142009-01NABreach of Integrity / Failing to Treat Tribunal with Courtesy and Respect
2008-10-11Member Q 41080502092008-03NAFailure to Conduct with Self Integrity
2008-09-04Vyamucharo-Shawa, Paul Sydney 13454334432009-04NABreach of Integrity / Breach of Accounting Rules
2008-08-25Henderson, Richard James 2705878142008-07NABreach of Trust Accounting Rules
2008-08-13Carroll, Henry Nelson 27824433522009-10NA (Sentencing)Breach of Integrity
2008-07-17Bargen, Victor Erich 19216168582008-06NABreach of Trust Condition / Conflict of Interest
2008-04-24Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 35812726602008-01NAWriting an Offensive Letter
2008-01-08Davis, David H. 11365178522008-05NAFailure to Deposit Funds to Trust Account
2007-12-18Katelnikoff, Gordon Walter 25048678212007-11NABreach of Accounting Rules
2007-11-13Member P 41080502092008-04NAFailure to Respond to Opposing Counsel
2007-10-15Walia, Ranjit Singh 3444327302007-09NABreach of Undertaking
2007-09-26Kitchen, William Douglas (W. Douglas) 37283681022007-07NAFailure to File Form D
2007-07-17Cherrett, Lawrence Bremner 39384613902007-08NAFailing to Serve Clients
2007-07-12McDowell, Terrence Richard 18156664332007-12NAFailure to Serve Client / Breach of Integrity
2007-06-27Orle, George Joseph 5049795742007-05NAFailure to Respond
2007-06-18Luk, Eva Yee-Wah 28388182102007-06NABreach of Accounting Rules
2007-06-07Holmes, Richard Allen Paul 36211282912007-04NAFailure to Respond / Failure to Act With Integrity
2007-05-02Lockhart, Glenn Robert 10414322672007-03NABreach of Integrity
2007-03-20Walsh, Paul Victor 32906514272007-02NABreach of Undertaking
2006-12-21Richert, Dean Courtney George 2064267572007-01NABreach of Integrity
2006-09-14Bergen, Ewald 10424625502006-08NAConflict of Interest / Failure to File Form D
2006-08-10Fryatt, John Robert (J. R. (Jack)) 37220166392006-07NAConduct While Suspended
2006-07-25Hoffer, Aaron Adrion Douglas (A. Douglas) 41736068462006-06NAFailure to Serve Client / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules
2006-06-21Member O 41080502092006-10NAPardon Application
2006-06-19Nadeau, James Ronald (J. Ronald) 27280309892006-05NAFailure to File Annual Trust Account Report (Form D)
2006-06-02Poole, Richard Grant 4622530462006-04NAFailure to Respond to the Law Society
2006-05-01Walsh, Paul Victor 32906514272006-09NAFailure to Serve Client / Breach of Professional Duties
2006-04-18Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 18296434422006-03NAFailure to Serve Client / Act with Integrity
2006-04-07Roy, Barry Allan 38555757252006-02NAFailure to Respond / Breach of Undertaking
2006-04-03Greenberg, Harley Jerome 29929367312006-01NAFailure to Respond
2005-10-12Moss, Peter Joel 7122609582005-04NAConflict of Interest
2005-05-21Griffin, Douglas Melvin 18692462142005-03NAMisappropriation
2005-04-06Savino, Victor Steven 28897039512005-02NAUngovernable Member
2005-02-24Nadeau, James Ronald (J. Ronald) 27280309892005-01NABreach of Accounting Rules; Failing to Treat Tribunal with Courtesy and Respect
2005-02-24Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 35812726602007-10NAConflict of Interest / Failure to Serve Client
2004-12-14Fryatt, John Robert (J. R. (Jack)) 37220166392004-05NAExcessive Fees
2004-08-18Brown, John Charles 13672310232004-03NAFailure to Serve
2004-08-06Walsh, Paul Victor 32906514272004-04NAConflict of Interest / Failing to Act With Integrity
2004-04-21Smith, Remi Cecil 12898849882004-02NAFailure to Respond
2004-03-23Bomek, James Michael David (J. Michael) 13455955642004-01NAFailing to Act With Integrity / Misappropriation
2003-09-08Bowman, Brian Douglas (Brian D.) 2898389982003-02NAMisappropriation
2003-08-26MacIver, Donald Neil 6834142192003-01NABreach of Duty of Integrity
2003-06-09Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 35812726602003-03NABreach of Trust Condition
2003-01-22Walsh, Paul Victor 32906514272002-09NAFailure to Serve / Failure to Observe a Proper Standard of Conduct
2002-07-31Anhang, Abraham 12873283652002-07NAMisappropriation
2002-06-24Cramer, Phillip Frederick Barrett 41431953242002-08NAFailure to Serve Clients
2002-05-28Schmidt, George Bernard 29078730052002-05NAFailure to Serve Client / Breach of Trust Condition
2002-05-15Ament, Otto Georg (Otto G.) 19101931172002-06NAMisappropriation
2002-04-10Rose, James Fredrick Charles 27767398492002-04NAFailure to Observe a Proper Standard of Conduct
2002-04-08Laxer, Ronald Alan 25485253202002-02NAMisappropriation
2002-03-12Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 18296434422002-03NAFailure to Serve Client
2002-03-04Bomek, James Michael David (J. Michael) 13455955642002-01NAFees / Misleading The Law Society
2002-02-13Anhang, Abraham 12873283652001-07NAFailure to Act with Integrity
2001-10-30Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 18296434422001-05NABreach of Trust Accounting Rules
2001-09-13Champagne, Gisele Rita 41265518642001-06NABreach of Integrity
2001-09-06Bond, James Edward (Ted) 30773802782001-03NAMisappropriation
2001-07-10Doak, Gerald Ernest 3533630932001-02NABreach of Accounting Rules
2001-05-23Davis, David H. 11365178522001-04NASexual Harassment
2001-03-01Cherrett, Lawrence Bremner 39384613902001-01NAFailure to Refer Clients for Independent Legal Advice
2001-02-14Gwyn, Peter Nguyen 41541858222000-10NABreach of Trust Accounting Rules
2001-01-31Hoffer, Aaron Adrion Douglas (A. Douglas) 41736068462000-09NAFailure to Respond to Society / Serve Client
2001-01-18Mestdagh, Theresa Marie (Terri) 26220932232000-08NAFailure to Serve Client
2001-01-10McMullan, Paul Jason 5196015152000-07NAMisleading the Society / Client
2000-11-14Member N 41080502092000-05NADishonourable or Questionable Conduct
2000-10-30Williams, Glen Taylor 29731161882000-06NAConduct Unbecoming
2000-10-11Hogue, Joseph Jules Alain (J.J. Alain) 13030741122000-04NABreach of Accounting Rules
2000-09-11Vyamucharo-Shawa, Paul Sydney 13454334432000-03NAMisappropriation
2000-08-14Krawchuk, Barry Eugene 25405485352000-02NAConflict of Interest
2000-06-01Rosenbaum, Samuel Norman (S. Norman) 5179151252000-01NAIncompetence
2000-02-23Ward, Richard Anthony 23303006171999-10NAUngovernability
2000-01-12Andrews, Kenneth Edward 9152846051999-06NAFailure to Serve Client
1999-12-15Stefanyshyn, Peter Richard (P. Richard) 10682589851999-09NAConflict of Interest
1999-12-08Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 18296434421999-08NAFailure to Conform to the Rules Respecting Accounts
1999-11-22Oakes, Raymond Phillip 35858675251999-04NAConflict of Interest
1999-11-19Ross, Jerry George 37759886541999-05NAFailure to Serve Clients
1999-07-15Furgale, Timothy Christopher (T. Christopher) 7961349451999-11NAConflict of Interest
1999-07-13Schmidt, George Bernard 29078730051999-03NABreach of Trust Condition
1999-07-07Ament, Otto Georg (Otto G.) 19101931171999-02NAFailure to Reply
1999-05-17Dragun, Eva 39190550761999-01NAFailure to Serve Clients
1999-04-28Black, Ronald Keith 34029531221999-07NAFailure to Serve Clients / Breach of Accounting Rules
1999-03-24Rosenbaum, Samuel Norman (S. Norman) 5179151251998-12NAFailure to Meet Financial Obligations
1999-01-27Member M 41080502091998-10NA (Date of Decision)Application to be Relieved of an Undertaking
1999-01-13Kasloff, Theodore Lee 21572700421998-11NABreach of Accounting Rules
1998-10-28Regelous, Douglas William 25553958791998-09NAFailure to Respond to the Law Society
1998-10-15Member L 41080502091998-08NAExcessive Fees
1998-09-30Member K 41080502091998-07NABreach of Order to Pay
1998-09-29Trusewych, Nicholas 3596859781998-06NAFailure to Provide Contingency Agreement
1998-09-09Fisher, Robert Lewis 32557229001998-05NAMisappropriation
1998-07-09Norman, Lance Alexander 13562079501998-04NAFailure to Serve Clients
1998-06-24Cherrett, Lawrence Bremner 39384613901998-03NABreach of Trust Condition
1998-06-19Ross, Jerry George 37759886541998-02NABreach of Trust Condition
1998-06-15Greenberg, Lawrence Charles 24694448251998-13NAMisappropriation
1998-05-14Lee, Brock Glover 14569342181998-01NAUnreasonable Fee
1998-02-19McDowell, Terrence Richard 18156664331997-11NAFailure to Inform Client of Error or Omission
1998-02-10Ward, Richard Anthony 23303006171997-10NAConflict of Interest
1998-02-03Bondar, Stephen Samuel 40351318131997-13NAUngovernable Member
1997-12-04Dewar, Janice Mae 34082436021997-06NAFailure to Notify Insurer
1997-12-01Member J 41080502091997-12NAConflict of Interest
1997-10-27Bunn, Thomas Andrew (T. Andrew) 36880351581997-07NAMisappropriation
1997-09-03Gutkin, Ralph Lawrence 8034109771997-14NAMisappropriation
1997-08-12Smith, Remi Cecil 12898849881997-08NAFailure to File Form D
1997-07-29Brown, John Charles 13672310231997-05NAFailure to File Form D
1997-07-03Troniak, Dennis Michael 15293609941997-04NAExcessive Fees
1997-05-23Black, Ronald Keith 34029531221997-02NAFailure to Provide Information
1997-05-13Ward, Richard Anthony 23303006171997-03NAConflict of Interest
1997-04-03Clay, Grant Randolph 4138593471997-01NAFailure to Serve Client
1997-02-03Smith, Remi Cecil 12898849881996-27NABreach of Trust Condition
1997-01-23Walsh, Paul Victor 32906514271996-29NAFailure to Serve Clients
1997-01-17Ross, Jerry George 37759886541996-28NABreach of Trust Accounting Rules
1996-12-04Member I 41080502091997-09NAConflict of Interest
1996-11-26Lasko, Paul Frederick 18556654621996-23NAMisleading Client
1996-11-26Katelnikoff, Gordon Walter 25048678211996-26NABreach of Accounting Rules
1996-11-25Member H 41080502091996-25NAFailure to Comply with Court Order
1996-11-11Brown, John Charles 13672310231996-22NAFailure to Serve Client / Respond to Law Society
1996-10-01Bondar, Stephen Samuel 40351318131996-24NAFailure to Reply
1996-08-26Alcock, Richard Maurice 19948022471996-20NABreach of Duty
1996-08-07Norman, Lance Alexander 13562079501996-18NAConflict of Interest
1996-07-10Brock, Christopher Andrew 27720197811996-19NAMisappropriation of Firm Monies
1996-06-27Zaslov, Murray David 39218169061996-16NAFailure to Pay Penalties
1996-06-27Regelous, Douglas William 25553958791996-17NAFailure to Pay Penalties
1996-06-24Enns, Cornelius (Neil) (Neil) 22616749281996-14NAFailure to Serve Client
1996-05-29Tracey, Michael Thomas (Michael T.) 6304442741996-15NAConviction Under The Income Tax Act
1996-05-16Levine, John 11445552741996-13NAUngovernable Member
1996-05-03Black, Ronald Keith 34029531221996-21NAFailure to Maintain Up To Date Trust Records
1996-04-30Ward, Robert Douglas 30611136731996-12NAUngovernable Member
1996-04-17Ross, Deveryn 33862350971996-11NAConviction Under the Criminal Code
1996-04-09Olson, Victor Brian 8492375511996-10NAImproper Fees (Amended)
1996-02-28Troniak, Dennis Michael 15293609941996-08NAImproper Fees
1996-02-07Wohlgemuth, Dennis Lee 19480353611996-07NAMisappropriation
1996-02-06Frohlinger, Thomas Gordon 21118159121996-09NAConflict of Interest (Amended)
1996-01-26Israel, Manly Wilfred 17231228001996-05NAMisappropriation
1996-01-24Zitzerman, Saul Benjamin 37192623061996-04NAMisappropriation
1996-01-22Fjeldsted, Donald Sigurd 13371657641996-06NAFailure to Serve Client
1995-12-11Beaulieu, Gordon Charles 38009361841996-03NAIncompetence
1995-11-29Ward, Robert Douglas 30611136731996-01NAFailure to Respond to the Law Society
1995-11-27Bondar, Stephen Samuel 40351318131995-25NABreach of Undertaking to the Law Society
1995-11-02Gottli, John 8038343801995-24NAMisappropriation
1995-10-12Federsel, George Jiri 92843001996-02NAPayment of Fees Without Permission
1995-09-13Ross, Jerry George 37759886541995-22NAFailure to Honour a Financial Commitment
1995-09-12Walsh, Paul Victor 32906514271995-21NAFailure to Serve Client
1995-09-05Kaneski, Brent 23994528431995-20NAFailure to Deposit Client Funds Into Trust Account
1995-08-29Ward, Richard Anthony 23303006171995-19NABreach of Accounting Rules
1995-07-25Greenberg, Lawrence Charles 24694448251995-18NALack of Courtesy
1995-07-11Funk, George 23868380211995-16NABreach of Accounting Rules
1995-06-29Golightly, Grant Edward 3053063831995-14NARepresenting Clients While Intoxicated
1995-06-20Bunn, Thomas Andrew (T. Andrew) 36880351581995-17NAImproper Fees
1995-06-01Member G 41080502091995-12NAImproper Fees
1995-05-17Dragun, Eva 39190550761995-11NAFailure to Serve Client
1995-05-16Kohm, Harry 7791061451995-10NAFailure to Serve Clients
1995-05-03Member F 41080502091995-23NAFailure to Serve Client
1995-05-02Dragun, Eva 39190550761995-09NAMisleading the Law Society
1995-04-28Olson, Victor Brian 8492375511995-08NAFailure to Serve Clients
1995-04-12Member E 41080502091995-07NAWriting a Letter that is Unprofessional
1995-03-21Doak, Gerald Ernest 3533630931995-05NAImproper Fees
1995-03-21McRoberts, Robert John Douglas (Robert J.D.) 37488644101995-06NABreach of Trust Condition
1995-03-07Ward, Robert Douglas 30611136731995-13NAFailure to File an Accountant's Report (Form D)
1995-02-28Hogue, Joseph Jules Alain (J.J. Alain) 13030741121995-04NALack of Courtesy Towards Witness
1995-02-09Shead, Richard George Stanton 17038426021995-15NADefrauding Investors
1995-01-31Ross, Jerry George 37759886541995-03NAImproper Fees
1994-11-23Member D 41080502091995-01NAConflict of Interest
1994-11-22Abrams, William 3020129241995-02NABreach of Accounting Rules
1994-10-04Beaulieu, Gordon Charles 38009361841994-10NAFailure to Serve Client
1994-09-14Member C 41080502091994-16NAIncompetence
1994-08-15Besko, Theodore Patrick 33632490451994-11NAMisappropriation
1994-07-28Palmer, Alanna Holly Faith 8250970131994-07NABreach of Undertaking to the Law Society
1994-07-27Member B 41080502091994-12NA (Amended)Breach of Court Order and Trust Condition
1994-07-22Bomek, James Michael David (J. Michael) 13455955641994-09NAConflict of Interest
1994-07-07Levine, John 11445552741994-08NAImproper Fees
1994-07-06Troszko, Wasyl (Bill) 24174369881994-13NABreach of Accounting Rules
1994-06-20Kelleher, James Patrick (J.P.) 7534437031994-06NAMisappropriation
1994-05-12Doak, Gerald Ernest 3533630931994-14NAFailure to Respond to the Law Society
1994-05-03DeLucia, Garnet Orlando 10008894941994-05NABreach of Trust Condition
1994-04-21Member A 41080502091994-04NABreach of Accounting Rules
1994-04-12Simpson, John Richard 4393310021994-03NAMisappropriation
1994-01-17Bomek, James Michael David (J. Michael) 13455955641994-02NABreach of Duties of Candour Honesty and Integrity
1994-01-12Israel, Manly Wilfred 17231228001994-01NAFailure to Act with Integrity by Seeking to Backdate a Document
1993-11-25Olson, Victor Brian 8492375511994-17NABreach of Accounting Rules
1993-10-05Clay, Grant Randolph 4138593471994-15NAFailure to Respond to Correspondence