Access a lawyer’s discipline history by searching their name, date, or type of discipline decision. Starting in 2014 full Discipline Committee Reasons for Decisions were published in addition to Discipline Case Digests.
Date | Name | Case No. | Decision | Description |
2025-02-03 | Bharath, Rishi Ganesh 3135536102 | 2025-01 | Decision | Breach of Integrity [x2] / Charged and Accepted a Fee that was not Fair or Reasonable / Improperly Withdrew Representation / Failure to Respond Promptly and Completely to the Law Society |
2024-12-10 | Vyamucharo-Shawa, Paul Sydney 1345433443 | 2024-07 | Motion | Recusal of Chair of Panel / Termination of Proceeding |
2024-11-01 | Stienstra, Michael James 2715620598 | 2024-09 | Conduct & Consequences | Duty to Lawyers / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society |
2024-09-17 | Aquila, Paolo Giuseppe Antonio 1533109504 | 2024-08 | Conduct & Consequences | Sexual Harassment |
2024-09-05 | Vyamucharo-Shawa, Paul Sydney 1345433443 | 2024-07 | Motion | Subpoena Request Motion |
2024-07-09 | Davis, David H. 1136517852 | 2024-06 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity |
2024-06-25 | Khandelwal, Subhash Chand (Sam) 3211453725 | 2024-05 | Consequences (Restrictions) | Variation of Restrictions on Practice |
2024-05-07 | Matas, David 1453897349 | 2024-04 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society |
2024-04-25 | Batish, Manu 2161060561 | 2024-03 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity [x2] / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules [x3] |
2024-04-10 | Chornopyski, Daniel William 3404176064 | 2024-02 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond Promptly and Completely to the Law Society [x2] |
2024-03-11 | Clemens, Lauren Nicole 69145442 | 2024-01 | Conduct & Consequences | Conduct Unbecoming a Lawyer |
2024-02-14 | Black-Branch, Jonathan Lee (Dr. Jonathan) 2326579115 | 2023-13 | Consequences | Breach of Integrity |
2023-12-21 | Badohal, Chaman Deep 835956729 | 2023-14 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society / Breach of Integrity / Quality of Service / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules / Failure to Preserve Client Property / Competence / Failure to Respond Promptly and Completely to the Law Society |
2023-12-15 | Black-Branch, Jonathan Lee (Dr. Jonathan) 2326579115 | 2023-13 | Conduct | Breach of Integrity |
2023-12-11 | Fawcett, Ryan William 2694761127 | 2023-02 | Conduct & Consequences | Conduct Unbecoming a Lawyer / Breach of Integrity / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society |
2023-09-15 | Cameron, Jay 1828447563 | 2023-10 | Conduct & Consequences | Professional Misconduct (Breach of Integrity) |
2023-09-15 | Carpay, John 1828447563 | 2023-11 | Conduct & Consequences | Conduct Unbecoming a Lawyer (Breach of Integrity) |
2023-07-28 | Harwood-Jones, Troy Patrick 1545929829 | 2023-09 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to treat Court with Courtesy and Respect |
2023-06-30 | Turner, Thomas William 4288698229 | 2023-08 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules |
2023-05-17 | Cramer, Caroline B. (Caroline B.) 517438759 | 2023-07 | Motion | Motion to Dismiss Proceedings on the Basis of Loss of Jurisdiction |
2023-03-31 | Wasylin, Michael Mark 1565725798 | 2023-06 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity / Quality of Service |
2023-03-24 | Richert, Dean Courtney George 206426757 | 2023-05 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity / Quality of Service / Failure to Respond Promptly and Completely to the Law Society |
2023-03-20 | Strell, Ellery Gerard 3697084589 | 2023-04 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society / Charged and Collected a Fee that was not Earned and not Fair and Reasonable / Charged and Accepted Fees and Disbursements that were not Fair, Reasonable and Disclosed in a Timely Fashion |
2023-02-10 | Member AD 4108050209 | 2023-03 | Conduct (Acquittal) | Hindering a Police Investigation by Concealment, Destruction or Alteration of Incriminating Physical Evidence |
2023-02-07 | Fawcett, Ryan William 2694761127 | 2023-02 | Motion | Motion to Dismiss Proceedings on the Grounds of Abuse of Process and Delay |
2023-01-25 | Rabb, Jeffrey Mark (Jeff) 939930419 | 2023-01 | Conduct & Consequences | Conduct Unbecoming a Lawyer |
2023-01-13 | Prober, James Charles (Jay) 2990453429 | 2022-12 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to be Courteous and Civil |
2022-12-14 | Warren, Tyler David 1276830912 | 2022-11 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society /Failure to Obtain and Record Client Identification |
2022-10-19 | Fiorino, Joseph George 2674361845 | 2022-03 | Motion – Post Decision | Motion to Revise Reasons |
2022-10-04 | Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 612066851 | 2019-06 | Appeal | Competence - Conduct / Consequences |
2022-10-04 | Goldberg, Jason Ashley 678415653 | 2022-10 | Conduct & Consequences | Acting without and against Instructions / Quality of Service / Failure to be Courteous, Civil and Act in Good Faith / Breach of Privilege and Confidentiality / Conflict of Interest |
2022-09-06 | Greenberg, Harley Jerome 2992936731 | 2022-09 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service |
2022-08-09 | Burwash, Karen Ann 1610606515 | 2022-08 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society |
2022-06-24 | Murray, William Ronald (Bill) 3273103467 | 2022-07 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity and Improper use of Trust Account / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules |
2022-06-02 | Stern, Gabriel Samuel (Gary) 1193029648 | 2022-06 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service |
2022-05-26 | Currie, Orvel Larry 3063693958 | 2022-05 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity / Duty to Court |
2022-05-05 | Fawcett, Ryan William 2694761127 | 2022-04 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society / Conduct Unbecoming a Lawyer (Dishonourable, Disgraceful and Reprehensible – Sexual Harassment) |
2022-04-19 | Fiorino, Joseph George 2674361845 | 2022-03 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond Promptly and Completely to the Law Society / Failure to be Courteous, Civil and Act in Good Faith / Failure to Avoid Sharp Practice |
2022-03-30 | Restall, Jr., John Hunter 292132826 | 2022-02 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity / Conflict of Interest |
2022-02-11 | Carroll, Margaret Catherine 3620365133 | 2022-01 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Deposit Trust Money into Pooled Trust Account / Breach of Integrity / Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
2021-12-31 | Khandelwal, Subhash Chand (Sam) 3211453725 | 2021-11 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity / Conflict of Interest / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society |
2021-12-20 | Bauman, Gregory Lloyd 1340711530 | 2021-10 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity / Conflict of Interest / Quality of Service |
2021-12-14 | Member AC 4108050209 | 2021-09 | Conduct (Acquittal) | Quality of Service / Offensive Communication |
2021-12-10 | Hogue, Joseph Jules Alain (J.J. Alain) 1303074112 | 2021-08 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Provide and Ensure Adequate Supervision of Support Staff |
2021-11-05 | Tan, Wan Yen 1019328209 | 2021-07 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity / Quality of Service |
2021-10-27 | Webb, Karen Lee 3874788454 | 2021-05 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service |
2021-10-14 | Langford, Brian Attwood (Woody) 2856731659 | 2019-07 | Appeal | Integrity – Income Tax Evasion, Respect for Administration of Justice |
2021-09-29 | Purvis, Darcy Frederick 1556981162 | 2021-04 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Trust Accounting Rules |
2021-09-28 | Member AB 4108050209 | 2021-06 | Pardon | Pardon Application |
2021-09-07 | Badohal, Chaman Deep 835956729 | 2021-03 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity (conduct unbecoming a lawyer) / Breach of Integrity (professional misconduct) |
2021-08-12 | Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 3581272660 | 2017-11 | Appeal | Honesty & Candour / Courtesy & Respect / Courtesy & Good Faith / Offensive Communication |
2021-07-23 | Gembey, Bonnie Lynne 525298139 | 2021-02 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity (including Misappropriation and Misleading Clients, CIC & Complaints Resolution Counsel) / Failure to File Annual Member Report / Failure to Respond to the Law Society (Audit and Complaints) / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society / Breach of Trust and General Accounting Rules / Quality of Service |
2021-06-09 | Badmus, Omolara Oludayo (Lara) 2154927533 | 2021-01 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity |
2021-03-19 | Lee, Robert Craig 358015940 | 2020-08 | Conduct & Consequences | Conflict of Interest / Quality of Service / Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
2021-02-24 | Langford, Brian Attwood (Woody) 2856731659 | 2019-07 | Consequences | Integrity – Income Tax Evasion, Respect for Administration of Justice |
2021-02-19 | Alcock, Richard Maurice 1994802247 | 2020-07 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service |
2021-01-12 | Champagne, Gisele Rita 4126551864 | 2020-06 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity / Charged and Accepted Fees and Disbursements that were not Fair, Reasonable and Disclosed in a Timely Fashion / Failure to Deposit Trust Money into Pooled Trust Account |
2020-12-22 | Wang, Junling 1603709311 | 2020-05 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond to the Law Society / Breach of Integrity / Failure to Preserve Client Property / Entered Into and Implemented a Scheme for Sharing Legal Fees with a Person who is not a Lawyer / Failure to Provide Direct and Adequate Supervision to Staff / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules / Failure to Maintain General Accounting Records / Received Cash from Clients but did not Maintain a Book of Duplicate Receipts / Incompetence / Conflict of Interest / Breach of Trust Condition / Duty to Lawyers – Failure to Respond to Communications / Quality of Service |
2020-11-30 | Mayer, Douglas Albert 3024098174 | 2020-04 | Consequences | Failure to Respond to the Law Society / Quality of Service / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society / Breach of the Duty of Civility |
2020-10-22 | Mayer, Douglas Albert 3024098174 | 2020-03 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service / Failure to Notify Insurer |
2020-10-21 | Mayer, Douglas Albert 3024098174 | 2020-04 | Conduct | Failure to Respond to the Law Society / Quality of Service / Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society / Breach of the Duty of Civility |
2020-09-25 | Degner, Adeline Lorraine 1505276727 | 2020-01 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
2020-09-16 | Hesse, Paul Richard 926496461 | 2020-02 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Integrity (including Misappropriation) / Conflict of Interest / Quality of Service / Borrowing from Client /Guaranteeing Debt of a Client / Failure to Respond to the Law Society / Failure to Appear before the Complaints Investigation Committee |
2020-06-23 | Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 612066851 | 2019-06 | Consequences | Competence |
2020-06-09 | Langford, Brian Attwood (Woody) 2856731659 | 2019-07 | Conduct | Integrity – Income Tax Evasion, Respect for Administration of Justice |
2020-05-27 | Khandelwal, Subhash Chand (Sam) 3211453725 | 2019-08 | Conduct & Consequences | Conflict of Interest, Doing Business with Client, Quality of Service, Breach of Trust Condition, Breach of Practice Restriction |
2020-04-16 | Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 3581272660 | 2017-11 | Consequences | Honesty & Candour, Courtesy & Respect, Courtesy & Good Faith, Offensive Communication |
2020-02-07 | Walker, David Wolfe 3557874686 | 2019-09 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond, Duty to Court, Quality of Service, Breach of trust condition, Breach of undertaking |
2020-01-14 | Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 612066851 | 2019-06 | Conduct | Competence |
2019-12-13 | Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 3581272660 | 2017-11 | Conduct | Honesty & Candour, Courtesy & Respect, Courtesy & Good Faith, Offensive Communication |
2019-11-19 | Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 612066851 | 2019-06 | Motion | Motions regarding Adjournment, Sufficiency of Charge & Breach of Privacy |
2019-10-28 | Degner, Adeline Lorraine 1505276727 | 2019-05 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service / Duty to Lawyers |
2019-10-24 | Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 612066851 | 2019-06 | Motion | Reconsider Motion to disqualify counsel, Fresh Evidence |
2019-09-25 | Keesic, Steven Mark 2436741537 | 2019-03 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Duty of Integrity / Misappropriation / Misleading Clients / Breach of Undertaking |
2019-09-25 | Richert, Jonathan Andrew 3423110203 | 2019-04 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond to the Law Society / Failure to Comply with a Condition of an Order |
2019-09-24 | Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 612066851 | 2019-06 | Motion | Request to Issue Subpoena |
2019-09-24 | Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 612066851 | 2019-06 | Motion | Reconsider Motion to Disqualify Counsel |
2019-09-11 | Overwater, Shelley Loreen 151131048 | 2019-02 | Reinstatement | Reinstatement Application |
2019-06-19 | Jhanji, Vibhu Raj 612066851 | 2019-06 | Motion | Motion to disqualify counsel |
2019-05-09 | Member AA 4108050209 | 2019-01 | Pardon | Pardon Application |
2019-03-14 | Richert, Jonathan Andrew 3423110203 | 2018-05 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
2019-03-01 | Vyamucharo-Shawa, Paul Sydney 1345433443 | 2018-06 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Trust Condition, Misleading |
2019-02-27 | Khandelwal, Subhash Chand (Sam) 3211453725 | 2019-08 | Motion | Motion to allow for assistance from suspended lawyer |
2018-12-10 | Adachi, Midori 2040986230 | 2018-07 | Conduct & Consequences | Conflict of Interest / Failing to Act with Integrity /Assisting or Encouraging Dishonesty |
2018-11-28 | Young, James Graeme Earle (J. Graeme E.) 2428854083 | 2016-10 | Appeal | Misappropriation / Misleading / Breach of Trust Condition /Breach of Undertaking |
2018-11-24 | Sullivan, Neil William 732158960 | 2017-10 | Consequences | Integrity / Quality of Service |
2018-11-05 | Champagne, Gisele Rita 4126551864 | 2018-04 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service |
2018-10-10 | Law, Michael John 2518650858 | 2018-03 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Trust and General Accounting Rules |
2018-09-06 | Richert, Jonathan Andrew 3423110203 | 2018-02 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
2018-06-20 | Bueti, Vincent Joseph 3213964830 | 2018-01 | Conduct & Consequences | Conflict of Interest / Duty to Lawyers |
2018-03-26 | Sullivan, Neil William 732158960 | 2017-10 | Conduct | Integrity / Quality of Service |
2018-03-13 | Persad, Anand Varuun 30489932 | 2017-09 | Conduct & Consequences | Integrity / Quality of Service / Duty to Lawyers / Conflict of Interest / Duty to Law Society / Duty on Discharge / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules / Duty to Court / Breach of Trust Condition |
2018-03-08 | Alghoul, Louay Rustom 1990404152 | 2015-18 | Appeal | Duty to Tribunal |
2018-02-21 | Orlikow, Daniel Paul 3130760012 | 2017-08 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service |
2017-11-24 | Petryshyn, John Slawko 53778939 | 2017-07 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond to the Law Society / Misappropriation / Misleading Clients / Failure to Supervise Staff / Breach of Trust Condition / Quality of Service / Offensive Communication / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules / Incompetence |
2017-11-24 | Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 3581272660 | 2017-11 | Motion | Motion for Summary Dismissal |
2017-10-04 | Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 1829643442 | 2017-06 | Conduct & Consequences | Duty to Lawyers / Breach of Trust Condition |
2017-09-26 | Gembey, Bonnie Lynne 525298139 | 2017-05 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
2017-09-07 | Young, James Graeme Earle (J. Graeme E.) 2428854083 | 2016-10 | Conduct & Consequences | Misappropriation / Misleading / Breach of Trust Condition /Breach of Undertaking |
2017-07-14 | Degner, Adeline Lorraine 1505276727 | 2017-03 | Conduct & Consequences | Duty to Lawyers / Quality of Service |
2017-06-30 | Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 1829643442 | 2016-09 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Undertaking / Breach of Accounting Rules |
2017-05-26 | Soper, John David Laurence (J. David) 3026989517 | 2017-04 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Accounting Rules / Duty on Changing Firms /Client Identification Rules |
2017-05-19 | Young, James Graeme Earle (J. Graeme E.) 2428854083 | 2016-10 | Conduct | Misappropriation / Misleading / Breach of Trust Condition /Breach of Undertaking |
2017-05-04 | Rosenbaum, Harry Joseph 4140939997 | 2017-02 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Confidentiality |
2017-04-17 | Alghoul, Louay Rustom 1990404152 | 2015-18 | Consequences | Duty to Tribunal |
2017-04-03 | Beyette, Jason Patrick 762907481 | 2017-01 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service / Conflict of Interest /Duty to Court and Lawyers |
2017-03-17 | Young, James Graeme Earle (J. Graeme E.) 2428854083 | 2016-10 | Motion | Misappropriation / Misleading / Breach of Trust Condition /Breach of Undertaking |
2017-02-17 | Baker, Allan Phillip 1170012376 | 2016-08 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service |
2017-02-02 | Stern, Gabriel Samuel (Gary) 1193029648 | 2016-07 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service / Unreasonable Fees and Disbursements /Manner of Withdrawal / Failure to Notify Client of Change of Firm |
2016-12-22 | Alghoul, Louay Rustom 1990404152 | 2015-18 | Conduct | Duty to Tribunal |
2016-12-08 | Cherrett, Lawrence Bremner 3938461390 | 2014-09 | Appeal | Integrity and Misappropriation |
2016-12-05 | Gembey, Bonnie Lynne 525298139 | 2016-06 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond to the Law Society / Failure to Serve |
2016-11-02 | MacDonald, Kevin Allan 1300518156 | 2016-05 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Trust Condition / Duty to Lawyers / Quality of Service / Failure to Notify Insurer |
2016-09-07 | Stienstra, Michael James 2715620598 | 2016-03 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service / Duty to Lawyers |
2016-09-06 | Gembey, Bonnie Lynne 525298139 | 2016-04 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
2016-08-26 | Wagner, Cameron Peter 683162773 | 2016-02 | Conduct & Consequences | Integrity / Duty to Lawyers / Quality of Service |
2016-08-19 | Ferriss, Kelly Rhodel Dunn (K. Rhodel) 3889470166 | 2016-01 | Conduct & Consequences | Conflict of Interest |
2016-03-21 | Capozzi, Michele (Michael) 1939459319 | 2015-17 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Trust Accounting Rules |
2016-02-19 | Bradley, David Michael 2420420672 | 2015-16 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Act with Integrity (Misappropriation and Misleading) /Conflict of Interest / Failure to Serve |
2016-02-16 | Okimaw, Moses 3386853108 | 2015-15 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service |
2016-02-05 | Turner, Jamie Lee 3194605820 | 2015-14 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service / Duty to other Counsel |
2016-01-27 | Soper, John David Laurence (J. David) 3026989517 | 2015-13 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service / Breach of Duty to Tribunal /Failure to Respond to the Society |
2016-01-22 | Clarke, Alastair Winston 3671620197 | 2015-12 | Conduct & Consequences | Misleading the Society /Breach of Trust Accounting Rules |
2016-01-12 | Member Z 4108050209 | 2015-10 | Motion | Pardon Application |
2016-01-12 | Persad, Anand Varuun 30489932 | 2015-11 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
2015-12-27 | Wang, Junling 1603709311 | 2015-09 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Undertaking to the Society / Failure to Respond to the Society |
2015-11-10 | Wang, Junling 1603709311 | 2015-08 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
2015-10-06 | Cherrett, Lawrence Bremner 3938461390 | 2014-09 | Consequences | Integrity and Misappropriation |
2015-09-23 | Young, James Graeme Earle (J. Graeme E.) 2428854083 | 2015-05 | Conduct & Consequences | Integrity / Quality Of Service / Duty To Lawyers / Duty To Court |
2015-09-17 | Cramer, Caroline B. (Caroline B.) 517438759 | 2015-07 | Conduct & Consequences | Conflict of Interest / Quality of Service |
2015-08-07 | Thrush, Avaline Janine 341842039 | 2015-04 | Conduct & Consequences | Integrity / Quality Of Service / Conflict Of Interest /Duty To Lawyers |
2015-07-20 | Jachetta, Peter Ottavio 3297967549 | 2015-03 | Conduct & Consequences | Integrity / Misappropriation |
2015-06-29 | Gorlick, Barry Lee 2348575542 | 2015-06 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality Of Service / Duty To Lawyers (Conduct) / Integrity (Misappropriation) / Conflict Of Interest |
2015-06-18 | Mayer, Douglas Albert 3024098174 | 2015-02 | Conduct & Consequences | Quality of Service / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules |
2015-04-14 | Soper, John David Laurence (J. David) 3026989517 | 2015-01 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Respond |
2015-03-26 | Overwater, Shelley Loreen 151131048 | 2014-07 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Trust Account Rules / Breach of Undertaking / Breach of Trust Condition / Integrity |
2015-02-26 | Cherrett, Lawrence Bremner 3938461390 | 2014-09 | Conduct | Integrity and Misappropriation |
2015-01-29 | Bradley, David Michael 2420420672 | 2014-06 | Conduct & Consequences | Integrity / Quality of Service / Duty to Lawyers |
2014-11-12 | Johnson, Frank Albert Gustav 3567387898 | 2014-04 | Conduct & Consequences | Breach of Trust Accounting Rules / Integrity |
2014-11-11 | Clay, Grant Randolph 413859347 | 2014-05 | Conduct & Consequences | Case Digest - Quality of Service / Duty to Court |
2014-10-06 | Petryshyn, John Slawko 53778939 | 2014-03 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Comply with Trust Condition/Duty to Lawyers |
2014-08-20 | Doolan, Robert Frank 1942219097 | 2014-08 | Conduct | Misappropriation / Misleading the Law Society |
2014-08-20 | Doolan, Robert Frank 1942219097 | 2014-08 | Consequences | Misappropriation / Misleading the Law Society |
2014-08-20 | Doolan, Robert Frank 1942219097 | 2014-08 | Conduct & Consequences | Misappropriation / Misleading the Law Society |
2014-05-21 | Crane, Lawrence Ramsay 2674195567 | 2014-02 | Conduct & Consequences | Failure to Disclose Fees |
2014-04-02 | Sharma, Rajan 2561136441 | 2014-01 | Conduct & Consequences | Integrity |
2014-01-07 | Katelnikoff, Gordon Walter 2504867821 | 2013-11 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
2013-12-11 | Salmon, Jeff Andrew 3608076337 | 2013-10 | NA | Misappropriation / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules |
2013-12-03 | Soper, John David Laurence (J. David) 3026989517 | 2013-09 | NA | Failure to Respond |
2013-11-06 | Gregoire, Joseph Jean Marcel Romuald (Marcel) 3672377573 | 2013-07 | NA | Fees / Responsibility to Lawyers and Others / Integrity |
2013-10-22 | Member Y 4108050209 | 2013-08 | NA | Failure to Respond |
2013-09-25 | Boyechko, Dave Robert Thomas 1060662870 | 2013-04 | NA | Integrity / Conflict of Interest / Avoiding Questionable Conduct |
2013-09-09 | Young, Kenneth Bryan 1050324250 | 2013-06 | NA | Integrity |
2013-07-18 | Masiowski, Thomas Adam (T. Adam) 4264689499 | 2013-03 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules / Failure to Meet Financial Obligations |
2013-06-20 | Krawchuk, Barry Eugene 2540548535 | 2013-02 | NA | Excessive Fees |
2013-06-05 | Wawrykow, Dennis George 972515587 | 2013-05 | NA | Integrity / Conflicting Interests |
2013-05-24 | Nadeau, James Ronald (J. Ronald) 2728030989 | 2013-01 | NA | Misappropriation / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules / Breach Conditions of Practice / Failure to Respond / Ungovernability |
2012-12-13 | Burch, Carl Franklin 3741171813 | 2012-10 | NA | Integrity / Conflict of Interest |
2012-10-11 | Greenberg, Harley Jerome 2992936731 | 2012-09 | NA | Failure to Respond |
2012-09-26 | Member X 4108050209 | 2012-08 | NA | Pardon Application |
2012-09-10 | Anhang, Abraham 1287328365 | 2012-11 | NA | Reinstatement Application |
2012-07-17 | Luk, Eva Yee-Wah 2838818210 | 2012-07 | NA | Professional Misconduct |
2012-07-12 | Mayer, Douglas Albert 3024098174 | 2012-05 | NA | Failure to Respond |
2012-07-04 | Walia, Ranjit Singh 344432730 | 2012-04 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
2012-06-19 | Member W 4108050209 | 2012-02 | NA | Pardon Application |
2012-06-19 | Member V 4108050209 | 2012-03 | NA | Pardon Application |
2012-06-11 | Gregoire, Joseph Jean Marcel Romuald (Marcel) 3672377573 | 2012-01 | NA | Breach of Integrity / Quality of Service / Failure to Respond |
2012-04-03 | Champagne, Gisele Rita 4126551864 | 2012-06 | NA | Quality of Service |
2012-02-21 | Tennenhouse, Howard Lorne 1293537569 | 2011-09 | NA | Breach of Integrity / Misappropriation / Unauthorized Practice of Law |
2012-02-16 | Niederhoffer, Jeffrey Joseph 3055398277 | 2011-11 | NA | Breach of Integrity / Unauthorized Practice of Law |
2012-02-14 | Bargen, Victor Erich 1921616858 | 2011-08 | NA | Breach of Trust Condition / Integrity / Quality of Service |
2012-01-17 | Fisher, Robert Lewis 3255722900 | 2011-10 | NA | Misappropriation / Breach of Integrity / Failure to Serve Client / Failure to Respond |
2012-01-11 | Thrush, Avaline Janine 341842039 | 2011-07 | NA | Breach of Trust Condition |
2011-11-25 | Gorlick, Barry Lee 2348575542 | 2011-06 | NA | Failure to Serve Client |
2011-10-27 | Kress, Brian Rickey 1194537052 | 2011-05 | NA | Conflicting Interests |
2011-10-05 | Katelnikoff, Gordon Walter 2504867821 | 2011-04 | NA | Failure to Respond |
2011-09-28 | Mayer, Douglas Albert 3024098174 | 2011-01 | NA | Quality of Service |
2011-06-09 | Madick, Michele Lynn 3769688605 | 2011-03 | NA | Breach of Integrity / Excessive Fees |
2011-05-26 | Beley, Terry Peter 1668191283 | 2011-02 | NA | Quality of Service |
2011-03-30 | Smith, James Richard 552360002 | 2010-15 | NA | Breach of Integrity and Failure to Serve |
2011-03-28 | King, Jack Anthony Stewart 3382771003 | 2010-13 | NA | Sexual Harassment |
2011-03-24 | Gregoire, Joseph Jean Marcel Romuald (Marcel) 3672377573 | 2010-12 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
2011-03-11 | Nadeau, James Ronald (J. Ronald) 2728030989 | 2010-11 | NA | Breach of Integrity / Failure to Respond / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules / Failure to Treat Tribunal with Courtesy and Respect / Quality of Service |
2011-03-09 | Guttman, David Allan 481506963 | 2010-14 | NA | Breach of Integrity / Failure to Treat Tribunal with Courtesy and Respect |
2010-12-17 | Luk, Eva Yee-Wah 2838818210 | 2010-09 | NA | Professional Misconduct |
2010-11-23 | Lasko, Paul Frederick 1855665462 | 2010-10 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
2010-10-25 | Gutkin, Ralph Lawrence 803410977 | 2010-16 | NA | Reinstatement Application |
2010-10-07 | Dolovich, Gary Philip 2661234802 | 2010-08 | NA | Conduct Unbecoming |
2010-07-13 | Member U 4108050209 | 2010-07 | NA | Pardon Application |
2010-06-16 | Cvitkovitch, Frank Louis 1695749895 | 2010-06 | NA | Breach of Integrity and Excessive Fees |
2010-06-07 | Tennenhouse, Howard Lorne 1293537569 | 2010-04 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules / Breach of Integrity |
2010-03-15 | Mackinnon, Donald Joel 1801234378 | 2010-05 | NA | Breach of Integrity and Failure to Serve |
2010-03-05 | Kohaykewych, Michael Daniel 2633724870 | 2010-02 | NA | Breach of Integrity and Conflict of Interest |
2010-03-04 | Member T 4108050209 | 2009-15 | NA | Pardon Application |
2010-03-04 | Member S 4108050209 | 2009-16 | NA | Pardon Application |
2010-02-23 | Walia, Ranjit Singh 571840475 | 2010-03 | NA | Breach of Integrity and Conflict of Interest |
2010-02-10 | Wiens, Harry John 1415103950 | 2010-01 | NA | Sexual Harassment of Staff |
2010-01-07 | Holmes, Richard Allen Paul 3621128291 | 2009-14 | NA | Failure to Serve / Breach of Duties Owed to Clients |
2009-09-14 | Troniak, Dennis Michael 1529360994 | 2009-13 | NA | Failure to Serve / Breach of Integrity |
2009-08-17 | Brodsky, Gerald Gregory (G. Greg) 2318110104 | 2009-09 | NA | Breach of Integrity / Breach of Accounting Rules |
2009-08-06 | Capozzi, Michele (Michael) 1939459319 | 2009-12 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
2009-07-23 | Guttman, David Allan 481506963 | 2009-11 | NA | Breach of Integrity |
2009-06-05 | Poole, Richard Grant 462253046 | 2009-08 | NA | Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
2009-05-25 | Greenberg, Harley Jerome 2992936731 | 2009-07 | NA | Conflict of Interest / Breach of Integrity |
2009-03-04 | Davis, David H. 1136517852 | 2009-03 | NA | Conflict of Interest/Breach of Integrity |
2009-01-14 | Ritchot, Sherry Denise 2085513414 | 2009-02 | NA (Sentencing) | Breach of Integrity / Failing to Treat Court with Courtesy and Respect |
2008-12-19 | Chen, Ingrid Yin-Yu 2113502326 | 2008-02 | NA | Breach of Integrity |
2008-12-18 | Taylor, Timothy Neil 3648562611 | 2009-06 | NA | Breach of Integrity |
2008-12-11 | Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 1829643442 | 2008-09 | NA | Failing to Serve Clients |
2008-11-04 | Member R 4108050209 | 2008-08 | NA (AMENDED) | Failure to Comply with Trust Condition / Misleading Another Lawyer |
2008-10-20 | Fisher, Robert Lewis 3255722900 | 2009-05 | NA | Failure to Serve Client / Failure to Be Honest and Candid with Client |
2008-10-16 | Ritchot, Sherry Denise 2085513414 | 2009-01 | NA | Breach of Integrity / Failing to Treat Tribunal with Courtesy and Respect |
2008-10-11 | Member Q 4108050209 | 2008-03 | NA | Failure to Conduct with Self Integrity |
2008-09-04 | Vyamucharo-Shawa, Paul Sydney 1345433443 | 2009-04 | NA | Breach of Integrity / Breach of Accounting Rules |
2008-08-25 | Henderson, Richard James 270587814 | 2008-07 | NA | Breach of Trust Accounting Rules |
2008-08-13 | Carroll, Henry Nelson 2782443352 | 2009-10 | NA (Sentencing) | Breach of Integrity |
2008-07-17 | Bargen, Victor Erich 1921616858 | 2008-06 | NA | Breach of Trust Condition / Conflict of Interest |
2008-04-24 | Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 3581272660 | 2008-01 | NA | Writing an Offensive Letter |
2008-01-08 | Davis, David H. 1136517852 | 2008-05 | NA | Failure to Deposit Funds to Trust Account |
2007-12-18 | Katelnikoff, Gordon Walter 2504867821 | 2007-11 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
2007-11-13 | Member P 4108050209 | 2008-04 | NA | Failure to Respond to Opposing Counsel |
2007-10-15 | Walia, Ranjit Singh 344432730 | 2007-09 | NA | Breach of Undertaking |
2007-09-26 | Kitchen, William Douglas (W. Douglas) 3728368102 | 2007-07 | NA | Failure to File Form D |
2007-07-17 | Cherrett, Lawrence Bremner 3938461390 | 2007-08 | NA | Failing to Serve Clients |
2007-07-12 | McDowell, Terrence Richard 1815666433 | 2007-12 | NA | Failure to Serve Client / Breach of Integrity |
2007-06-27 | Orle, George Joseph 504979574 | 2007-05 | NA | Failure to Respond |
2007-06-18 | Luk, Eva Yee-Wah 2838818210 | 2007-06 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
2007-06-07 | Holmes, Richard Allen Paul 3621128291 | 2007-04 | NA | Failure to Respond / Failure to Act With Integrity |
2007-05-02 | Lockhart, Glenn Robert 1041432267 | 2007-03 | NA | Breach of Integrity |
2007-03-20 | Walsh, Paul Victor 3290651427 | 2007-02 | NA | Breach of Undertaking |
2006-12-21 | Richert, Dean Courtney George 206426757 | 2007-01 | NA | Breach of Integrity |
2006-09-14 | Bergen, Ewald 1042462550 | 2006-08 | NA | Conflict of Interest / Failure to File Form D |
2006-08-10 | Fryatt, John Robert (J. R. (Jack)) 3722016639 | 2006-07 | NA | Conduct While Suspended |
2006-07-25 | Hoffer, Aaron Adrion Douglas (A. Douglas) 4173606846 | 2006-06 | NA | Failure to Serve Client / Breach of Trust Accounting Rules |
2006-06-21 | Member O 4108050209 | 2006-10 | NA | Pardon Application |
2006-06-19 | Nadeau, James Ronald (J. Ronald) 2728030989 | 2006-05 | NA | Failure to File Annual Trust Account Report (Form D) |
2006-06-02 | Poole, Richard Grant 462253046 | 2006-04 | NA | Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
2006-05-01 | Walsh, Paul Victor 3290651427 | 2006-09 | NA | Failure to Serve Client / Breach of Professional Duties |
2006-04-18 | Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 1829643442 | 2006-03 | NA | Failure to Serve Client / Act with Integrity |
2006-04-07 | Roy, Barry Allan 3855575725 | 2006-02 | NA | Failure to Respond / Breach of Undertaking |
2006-04-03 | Greenberg, Harley Jerome 2992936731 | 2006-01 | NA | Failure to Respond |
2005-10-12 | Moss, Peter Joel 712260958 | 2005-04 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
2005-05-21 | Griffin, Douglas Melvin 1869246214 | 2005-03 | NA | Misappropriation |
2005-04-06 | Savino, Victor Steven 2889703951 | 2005-02 | NA | Ungovernable Member |
2005-02-24 | Nadeau, James Ronald (J. Ronald) 2728030989 | 2005-01 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules; Failing to Treat Tribunal with Courtesy and Respect |
2005-02-24 | Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 3581272660 | 2007-10 | NA | Conflict of Interest / Failure to Serve Client |
2004-12-14 | Fryatt, John Robert (J. R. (Jack)) 3722016639 | 2004-05 | NA | Excessive Fees |
2004-08-18 | Brown, John Charles 1367231023 | 2004-03 | NA | Failure to Serve |
2004-08-06 | Walsh, Paul Victor 3290651427 | 2004-04 | NA | Conflict of Interest / Failing to Act With Integrity |
2004-04-21 | Smith, Remi Cecil 1289884988 | 2004-02 | NA | Failure to Respond |
2004-03-23 | Bomek, James Michael David (J. Michael) 1345595564 | 2004-01 | NA | Failing to Act With Integrity / Misappropriation |
2003-09-08 | Bowman, Brian Douglas (Brian D.) 289838998 | 2003-02 | NA | Misappropriation |
2003-08-26 | MacIver, Donald Neil 683414219 | 2003-01 | NA | Breach of Duty of Integrity |
2003-06-09 | Histed, Robert Ian (R. Ian) 3581272660 | 2003-03 | NA | Breach of Trust Condition |
2003-01-22 | Walsh, Paul Victor 3290651427 | 2002-09 | NA | Failure to Serve / Failure to Observe a Proper Standard of Conduct |
2002-07-31 | Anhang, Abraham 1287328365 | 2002-07 | NA | Misappropriation |
2002-06-24 | Cramer, Phillip Frederick Barrett 4143195324 | 2002-08 | NA | Failure to Serve Clients |
2002-05-28 | Schmidt, George Bernard 2907873005 | 2002-05 | NA | Failure to Serve Client / Breach of Trust Condition |
2002-05-15 | Ament, Otto Georg (Otto G.) 1910193117 | 2002-06 | NA | Misappropriation |
2002-04-10 | Rose, James Fredrick Charles 2776739849 | 2002-04 | NA | Failure to Observe a Proper Standard of Conduct |
2002-04-08 | Laxer, Ronald Alan 2548525320 | 2002-02 | NA | Misappropriation |
2002-03-12 | Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 1829643442 | 2002-03 | NA | Failure to Serve Client |
2002-03-04 | Bomek, James Michael David (J. Michael) 1345595564 | 2002-01 | NA | Fees / Misleading The Law Society |
2002-02-13 | Anhang, Abraham 1287328365 | 2001-07 | NA | Failure to Act with Integrity |
2001-10-30 | Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 1829643442 | 2001-05 | NA | Breach of Trust Accounting Rules |
2001-09-13 | Champagne, Gisele Rita 4126551864 | 2001-06 | NA | Breach of Integrity |
2001-09-06 | Bond, James Edward (Ted) 3077380278 | 2001-03 | NA | Misappropriation |
2001-07-10 | Doak, Gerald Ernest 353363093 | 2001-02 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
2001-05-23 | Davis, David H. 1136517852 | 2001-04 | NA | Sexual Harassment |
2001-03-01 | Cherrett, Lawrence Bremner 3938461390 | 2001-01 | NA | Failure to Refer Clients for Independent Legal Advice |
2001-02-14 | Gwyn, Peter Nguyen 4154185822 | 2000-10 | NA | Breach of Trust Accounting Rules |
2001-01-31 | Hoffer, Aaron Adrion Douglas (A. Douglas) 4173606846 | 2000-09 | NA | Failure to Respond to Society / Serve Client |
2001-01-18 | Mestdagh, Theresa Marie (Terri) 2622093223 | 2000-08 | NA | Failure to Serve Client |
2001-01-10 | McMullan, Paul Jason 519601515 | 2000-07 | NA | Misleading the Society / Client |
2000-11-14 | Member N 4108050209 | 2000-05 | NA | Dishonourable or Questionable Conduct |
2000-10-30 | Williams, Glen Taylor 2973116188 | 2000-06 | NA | Conduct Unbecoming |
2000-10-11 | Hogue, Joseph Jules Alain (J.J. Alain) 1303074112 | 2000-04 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
2000-09-11 | Vyamucharo-Shawa, Paul Sydney 1345433443 | 2000-03 | NA | Misappropriation |
2000-08-14 | Krawchuk, Barry Eugene 2540548535 | 2000-02 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
2000-06-01 | Rosenbaum, Samuel Norman (S. Norman) 517915125 | 2000-01 | NA | Incompetence |
2000-02-23 | Ward, Richard Anthony 2330300617 | 1999-10 | NA | Ungovernability |
2000-01-12 | Andrews, Kenneth Edward 915284605 | 1999-06 | NA | Failure to Serve Client |
1999-12-15 | Stefanyshyn, Peter Richard (P. Richard) 1068258985 | 1999-09 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
1999-12-08 | Sinclair, John Loring Patrick 1829643442 | 1999-08 | NA | Failure to Conform to the Rules Respecting Accounts |
1999-11-22 | Oakes, Raymond Phillip 3585867525 | 1999-04 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
1999-11-19 | Ross, Jerry George 3775988654 | 1999-05 | NA | Failure to Serve Clients |
1999-07-15 | Furgale, Timothy Christopher (T. Christopher) 796134945 | 1999-11 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
1999-07-13 | Schmidt, George Bernard 2907873005 | 1999-03 | NA | Breach of Trust Condition |
1999-07-07 | Ament, Otto Georg (Otto G.) 1910193117 | 1999-02 | NA | Failure to Reply |
1999-05-17 | Dragun, Eva 3919055076 | 1999-01 | NA | Failure to Serve Clients |
1999-04-28 | Black, Ronald Keith 3402953122 | 1999-07 | NA | Failure to Serve Clients / Breach of Accounting Rules |
1999-03-24 | Rosenbaum, Samuel Norman (S. Norman) 517915125 | 1998-12 | NA | Failure to Meet Financial Obligations |
1999-01-27 | Member M 4108050209 | 1998-10 | NA (Date of Decision) | Application to be Relieved of an Undertaking |
1999-01-13 | Kasloff, Theodore Lee 2157270042 | 1998-11 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
1998-10-28 | Regelous, Douglas William 2555395879 | 1998-09 | NA | Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
1998-10-15 | Member L 4108050209 | 1998-08 | NA | Excessive Fees |
1998-09-30 | Member K 4108050209 | 1998-07 | NA | Breach of Order to Pay |
1998-09-29 | Trusewych, Nicholas 359685978 | 1998-06 | NA | Failure to Provide Contingency Agreement |
1998-09-09 | Fisher, Robert Lewis 3255722900 | 1998-05 | NA | Misappropriation |
1998-07-09 | Norman, Lance Alexander 1356207950 | 1998-04 | NA | Failure to Serve Clients |
1998-06-24 | Cherrett, Lawrence Bremner 3938461390 | 1998-03 | NA | Breach of Trust Condition |
1998-06-19 | Ross, Jerry George 3775988654 | 1998-02 | NA | Breach of Trust Condition |
1998-06-15 | Greenberg, Lawrence Charles 2469444825 | 1998-13 | NA | Misappropriation |
1998-05-14 | Lee, Brock Glover 1456934218 | 1998-01 | NA | Unreasonable Fee |
1998-02-19 | McDowell, Terrence Richard 1815666433 | 1997-11 | NA | Failure to Inform Client of Error or Omission |
1998-02-10 | Ward, Richard Anthony 2330300617 | 1997-10 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
1998-02-03 | Bondar, Stephen Samuel 4035131813 | 1997-13 | NA | Ungovernable Member |
1997-12-04 | Dewar, Janice Mae 3408243602 | 1997-06 | NA | Failure to Notify Insurer |
1997-12-01 | Member J 4108050209 | 1997-12 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
1997-10-27 | Bunn, Thomas Andrew (T. Andrew) 3688035158 | 1997-07 | NA | Misappropriation |
1997-09-03 | Gutkin, Ralph Lawrence 803410977 | 1997-14 | NA | Misappropriation |
1997-08-12 | Smith, Remi Cecil 1289884988 | 1997-08 | NA | Failure to File Form D |
1997-07-29 | Brown, John Charles 1367231023 | 1997-05 | NA | Failure to File Form D |
1997-07-03 | Troniak, Dennis Michael 1529360994 | 1997-04 | NA | Excessive Fees |
1997-05-23 | Black, Ronald Keith 3402953122 | 1997-02 | NA | Failure to Provide Information |
1997-05-13 | Ward, Richard Anthony 2330300617 | 1997-03 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
1997-04-03 | Clay, Grant Randolph 413859347 | 1997-01 | NA | Failure to Serve Client |
1997-02-03 | Smith, Remi Cecil 1289884988 | 1996-27 | NA | Breach of Trust Condition |
1997-01-23 | Walsh, Paul Victor 3290651427 | 1996-29 | NA | Failure to Serve Clients |
1997-01-17 | Ross, Jerry George 3775988654 | 1996-28 | NA | Breach of Trust Accounting Rules |
1996-12-04 | Member I 4108050209 | 1997-09 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
1996-11-26 | Lasko, Paul Frederick 1855665462 | 1996-23 | NA | Misleading Client |
1996-11-26 | Katelnikoff, Gordon Walter 2504867821 | 1996-26 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
1996-11-25 | Member H 4108050209 | 1996-25 | NA | Failure to Comply with Court Order |
1996-11-11 | Brown, John Charles 1367231023 | 1996-22 | NA | Failure to Serve Client / Respond to Law Society |
1996-10-01 | Bondar, Stephen Samuel 4035131813 | 1996-24 | NA | Failure to Reply |
1996-08-26 | Alcock, Richard Maurice 1994802247 | 1996-20 | NA | Breach of Duty |
1996-08-07 | Norman, Lance Alexander 1356207950 | 1996-18 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
1996-07-10 | Brock, Christopher Andrew 2772019781 | 1996-19 | NA | Misappropriation of Firm Monies |
1996-06-27 | Zaslov, Murray David 3921816906 | 1996-16 | NA | Failure to Pay Penalties |
1996-06-27 | Regelous, Douglas William 2555395879 | 1996-17 | NA | Failure to Pay Penalties |
1996-06-24 | Enns, Cornelius (Neil) (Neil) 2261674928 | 1996-14 | NA | Failure to Serve Client |
1996-05-29 | Tracey, Michael Thomas (Michael T.) 630444274 | 1996-15 | NA | Conviction Under The Income Tax Act |
1996-05-16 | Levine, John 1144555274 | 1996-13 | NA | Ungovernable Member |
1996-05-03 | Black, Ronald Keith 3402953122 | 1996-21 | NA | Failure to Maintain Up To Date Trust Records |
1996-04-30 | Ward, Robert Douglas 3061113673 | 1996-12 | NA | Ungovernable Member |
1996-04-17 | Ross, Deveryn 3386235097 | 1996-11 | NA | Conviction Under the Criminal Code |
1996-04-09 | Olson, Victor Brian 849237551 | 1996-10 | NA | Improper Fees (Amended) |
1996-02-28 | Troniak, Dennis Michael 1529360994 | 1996-08 | NA | Improper Fees |
1996-02-07 | Wohlgemuth, Dennis Lee 1948035361 | 1996-07 | NA | Misappropriation |
1996-02-06 | Frohlinger, Thomas Gordon 2111815912 | 1996-09 | NA | Conflict of Interest (Amended) |
1996-01-26 | Israel, Manly Wilfred 1723122800 | 1996-05 | NA | Misappropriation |
1996-01-24 | Zitzerman, Saul Benjamin 3719262306 | 1996-04 | NA | Misappropriation |
1996-01-22 | Fjeldsted, Donald Sigurd 1337165764 | 1996-06 | NA | Failure to Serve Client |
1995-12-11 | Beaulieu, Gordon Charles 3800936184 | 1996-03 | NA | Incompetence |
1995-11-29 | Ward, Robert Douglas 3061113673 | 1996-01 | NA | Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
1995-11-27 | Bondar, Stephen Samuel 4035131813 | 1995-25 | NA | Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society |
1995-11-02 | Gottli, John 803834380 | 1995-24 | NA | Misappropriation |
1995-10-12 | Federsel, George Jiri 9284300 | 1996-02 | NA | Payment of Fees Without Permission |
1995-09-13 | Ross, Jerry George 3775988654 | 1995-22 | NA | Failure to Honour a Financial Commitment |
1995-09-12 | Walsh, Paul Victor 3290651427 | 1995-21 | NA | Failure to Serve Client |
1995-09-05 | Kaneski, Brent 2399452843 | 1995-20 | NA | Failure to Deposit Client Funds Into Trust Account |
1995-08-29 | Ward, Richard Anthony 2330300617 | 1995-19 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
1995-07-25 | Greenberg, Lawrence Charles 2469444825 | 1995-18 | NA | Lack of Courtesy |
1995-07-11 | Funk, George 2386838021 | 1995-16 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
1995-06-29 | Golightly, Grant Edward 305306383 | 1995-14 | NA | Representing Clients While Intoxicated |
1995-06-20 | Bunn, Thomas Andrew (T. Andrew) 3688035158 | 1995-17 | NA | Improper Fees |
1995-06-01 | Member G 4108050209 | 1995-12 | NA | Improper Fees |
1995-05-17 | Dragun, Eva 3919055076 | 1995-11 | NA | Failure to Serve Client |
1995-05-16 | Kohm, Harry 779106145 | 1995-10 | NA | Failure to Serve Clients |
1995-05-03 | Member F 4108050209 | 1995-23 | NA | Failure to Serve Client |
1995-05-02 | Dragun, Eva 3919055076 | 1995-09 | NA | Misleading the Law Society |
1995-04-28 | Olson, Victor Brian 849237551 | 1995-08 | NA | Failure to Serve Clients |
1995-04-12 | Member E 4108050209 | 1995-07 | NA | Writing a Letter that is Unprofessional |
1995-03-21 | Doak, Gerald Ernest 353363093 | 1995-05 | NA | Improper Fees |
1995-03-21 | McRoberts, Robert John Douglas (Robert J.D.) 3748864410 | 1995-06 | NA | Breach of Trust Condition |
1995-03-07 | Ward, Robert Douglas 3061113673 | 1995-13 | NA | Failure to File an Accountant's Report (Form D) |
1995-02-28 | Hogue, Joseph Jules Alain (J.J. Alain) 1303074112 | 1995-04 | NA | Lack of Courtesy Towards Witness |
1995-02-09 | Shead, Richard George Stanton 1703842602 | 1995-15 | NA | Defrauding Investors |
1995-01-31 | Ross, Jerry George 3775988654 | 1995-03 | NA | Improper Fees |
1994-11-23 | Member D 4108050209 | 1995-01 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
1994-11-22 | Abrams, William 302012924 | 1995-02 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
1994-10-04 | Beaulieu, Gordon Charles 3800936184 | 1994-10 | NA | Failure to Serve Client |
1994-09-14 | Member C 4108050209 | 1994-16 | NA | Incompetence |
1994-08-15 | Besko, Theodore Patrick 3363249045 | 1994-11 | NA | Misappropriation |
1994-07-28 | Palmer, Alanna Holly Faith 825097013 | 1994-07 | NA | Breach of Undertaking to the Law Society |
1994-07-27 | Member B 4108050209 | 1994-12 | NA (Amended) | Breach of Court Order and Trust Condition |
1994-07-22 | Bomek, James Michael David (J. Michael) 1345595564 | 1994-09 | NA | Conflict of Interest |
1994-07-07 | Levine, John 1144555274 | 1994-08 | NA | Improper Fees |
1994-07-06 | Troszko, Wasyl (Bill) 2417436988 | 1994-13 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
1994-06-20 | Kelleher, James Patrick (J.P.) 753443703 | 1994-06 | NA | Misappropriation |
1994-05-12 | Doak, Gerald Ernest 353363093 | 1994-14 | NA | Failure to Respond to the Law Society |
1994-05-03 | DeLucia, Garnet Orlando 1000889494 | 1994-05 | NA | Breach of Trust Condition |
1994-04-21 | Member A 4108050209 | 1994-04 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
1994-04-12 | Simpson, John Richard 439331002 | 1994-03 | NA | Misappropriation |
1994-01-17 | Bomek, James Michael David (J. Michael) 1345595564 | 1994-02 | NA | Breach of Duties of Candour Honesty and Integrity |
1994-01-12 | Israel, Manly Wilfred 1723122800 | 1994-01 | NA | Failure to Act with Integrity by Seeking to Backdate a Document |
1993-11-25 | Olson, Victor Brian 849237551 | 1994-17 | NA | Breach of Accounting Rules |
1993-10-05 | Clay, Grant Randolph 413859347 | 1994-15 | NA | Failure to Respond to Correspondence |